We made it together again!

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I ran towards the border when I got a phone call. Peter.

"Hey Captain, what's up?"

"Hey Bubba, Major is in Forks a little town of the border of Seattle"

"Thanks for the heads up peter, but I already knew that"


 "I gained lots of other powers whist I was with Maria, one of them was a tracker. You may know him as Dimitri"

 "Ok then Bubba, be safe!!"

 "See ya Peter"

 *Time shift to Forks*

 Finally... I made it to Forks within 3 days, running all the way must be a record...

 I ran through the forest everything is so green

 I made it to a massive house. I ran up to the door and knocked. Some man with short blond hair came to answer

 "Hello can I help you?"

 "Is there someone called Jasper here?"

 "Why do you ask?"

 "Doesn't matter why, just tell me"

 "Yes but he's gone hunting"

 "Thank you, if he comes back tell him that Isa escaped and that she is floating around"

 "I will, I'm sorry I can't be of more help"

 "It's ok,"

 I ran to the closest river and waited for him.


 I was coming back from hunting when my phone rang

 "Jasper, its Carlisle"

 "Hey what's up Carlisle?"

 "Some girl came here and wanted me to give you this message, 'Isa escaped and that she is floating around' sound familiar?"

 "Carlisle, did this girl have brown hair and have lots of scars?"

 "Yes, now that I think of it she had more scars than you, is she dangerous?"

 "No, she isn't dangerous but thank you Carlisle for telling me, tell the family not to come after me I need to find her"

 "Okay. Jasper, stay safe"

 "I will Carlisle thank you"


 I ran and tracked a scent I knew too well heading towards the river My Bella.

 I slowly emerged from the tree line finding the most beautiful person standing in front of me.

 "Jasper" she whispered

 "Bella" I whispered back

 She ran into my arms dry sobbing on my shoulder

 "I missed you so much" she croaked out

 "I missed you too, I love you so much Isa"

 "I love you too Jay"

 "How did you escape her?"

 "She was planning on killing me so I got the snap on her and killed her instead and have been on the run ever since"

"How long have you been on the run?"

 "About a week? I'm not sure, but Peter and Charlotte said to say hello to you and to say that Bella misses you and that I got close to B, whoever that is"

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