𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚢'𝚜 𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕

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Originating from the suffocating life of homeschool (and the excruciatingly torturous establishment that is the all-girls Christian school), this is the opening year for my mortal body to be introduced to daily engagement with members of the opposite sex. 

To be quite frank with you, my dear readers, this experience was rather underwhelming. I was expecting to come in contact with my mortal lover's reincarnation in this establishment, but alas, I couldn't consider any of the male students in my class to be fitting candidates for being said reincarnation. Most men in this school are uncharismatic individuals that do not resemble my mortal lover's reincarnation in any way, shape, or form. 

Nevertheless, I have listed three (3) potential candidates that have a slight chance of being the reincarnation of my mortal lover from several generations ago. Similar to my discussion on my online "friends", I shall use aliases to describe these potential candidates, as I do not wish to leak these mortal's real names for if they ever they were my mortal lover's reincarnation.

յ. 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊

Bloodstone is my first potential candidate listed below. Based on initial impressions, Bloodstone appears to be well-groomed and well-mannered, with him often taking initiative in group and class activities. He has a twin sister who shall not be named in this book, as she is quite a provocative individual. Although I barely have any data on this man's nature, I still believe that he stands out among the other boys in my school for his charisma and social nature.

Unfortunately, as a naturally reserved and introverted individual, I believe that his extroversion will pose a challenge for handling factors such as our social batteries. I fear that Bloodstone would force me to attend gatherings alongside his mortal allies, and as you may already know, partaking in gatherings alongside mortal beings is equitably draining for a fallen angel such as myself.

շ. 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖔𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆

Chrysocolla is my second candidate. Unlike Bloodstone, Chrysocolla is more reserved and introverted, not partaking in class discussions as often as his peers. However, he is still a highly charismatic individual, easily able to befriend most of his peers. He also frequently takes initiative in various school projects, for if individuals such as Bloodstone aren't present within school premises. He is known for being an artistic soul, with his works often being displayed in our school's talent showcases. 

However, I worry that Chrysocolla's friendship with the man that he calls his best friend may hold a threat to our potential relationship if he were to be my mortal lover's reincarnation. Although he possesses traits that resemble that of my beloved, I fear that he has homosexual tendencies for his best friend. It would be quite disappointing for me if it were revealed that the man I called my beloved wasn't attracted to the opposite sex, would it not??

Յ. 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖕𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊

And last but certainly not least, we have Serpentine, an individual that shares traits present in both Bloodstone and Chrysocolla. Serpentine is a treasured man when compared to the other men that attend the institution. Although he is a social and charismatic individual, he also takes delight in spending time alone. He is quite enigmatic, his soul-piercing stare, the manner in which he presents himself, and the outfits he chooses to adorn on every waking day. 

Serpentine is a hardworking man. A selfless man that chooses to prioritize others' needs over his own. A man that is smart and goal-oriented, ensuring that the numbers on his report card linger in the high 90s. He is a natural-born leader, an alpha male, a man that chooses to lead our class with an iron fist. 

He is like Alexander the Great, a man that fought his own battles and succeeded in the establishment of a massive empire. Simultaneously, he is like Socrates, a philosopher that articulates himself as an intellectual would. He is tough and scholarly, and I believe that he is destined for greatness in this mortal world. 

Unfortunately, I have this creeping suspicion that Serpentine has been taken by yet another mortal woman, who is yet another one of the mortal students in the institution I'm unwillingly attending. This woman is an unsightly individual. She enjoys watching Netflix shows such as "How to Get Away With Murder" and "Money Heist". She even mentioned being quite fond of artists such as Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo. 

I do NOT like these artists, as their music is often used by individuals on the TikTok application, claiming to be "alternative". Ms. Eilish and Ms. Rodrigo are posers, alongside their mindless "worshippers". These women chose to claim alternative culture that stems straight from the women that they've belittled 10 years ago, back when alternative culture was shunned by the general public.  I despise these women more than anyone else in the world.

Alongside the information previously stated in the preceding paragraph, this woman that has encaptured poor Serpentine's heart is an avid enjoyer of Starbucks beverages. One day, I witnessed her in class, Starbucks iced coffee in hand, and I chose to scoff at her in disbelief. Why must an individual consume such an artificial, sugar-filled cup of melancholy? 

Serpentine's taste in coffee is far superior to that of the aforementioned Starbucks-consuming halfwit. He is often seen possessing a mug filled with warm, delightful coffee. I sincerely hope that the mug he holds against his mouth contains naturally-brewed coffee, containing coffee grounds harvested straight from the lands of Columbia and Guatemala and that he is not drinking cheap instant coffee, harvested straight from his local convenience store.

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In short, Serpentine is the closest candidate for being my mortal lover's reincarnation. Although he is currently enamored by the existence of the witch that cast a curse of desire upon him. I sincerely hope that Serpentine chooses to break this curse and that he chooses an honest and respectful woman, an independent mind that thinks for herself and chooses not to hop into society's bandwagon.

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