05 ━ itzy when you have bad anxiety

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• would comfort you as if her life depended on it
• lets you know she's always here for you
• whispers sweet nothings to you as she cradles you in her arms
• "everything will be okay, y/n. i promise."
• yeji then researches what to do to help someone with anxiety for future reference

• would know immediately
• takes your hands in hers, runs her thumb across the back of your hand
• listens attentively
• if you don't feel like talking, lia would be very understanding and sits in silence with you as she holds you close to her
• "we don't have to talk, my love. just know i'm here to listen."

• isn't 100% sure on what to do, so she asks how she can help you
• "what can i do, y/n? do you need anything? water? would you like a hug?"
• once she realizes all these questions aren't really helping, she'll stay silent and run her hand through your hair
• she'd wait to hear what you need, and when you reach for her arm, clutching on to her, ryujin immediately reacts
• becomes so soft and attentive and gentle, very different to her usual nonchalant self

• is very cautious, she's scared she'll do or say the wrong thing
• gives you constant reassurance
• chaeryeong would let you lay your head on her chest as you listen to her heartbeat, that always manages to calm you down
• does breathing exercises with you if you're struggling to breathe
• "deep breath's y/n, in and out. there we go. you're doing so well, angel."

• has emergency notes on her phone so she won't panic and stress you out even more
• draws patters on your skin, she knows that always seems to calm you down
• if you cry, she'll place her hands on both your cheeks and wipe the tears away
• "its okay y/n, i'm here. i'm not judging, let it all out."
• would hold you until you fall asleep

thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoyed <33

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