Chapter 14 - When We Greet The Morning Light

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There was a slight shifting on the mattress and a movement from between his arms – nothing too drastic, but just enough to rouse Eijirou from his sleep. His eyes flitted open, adjusting to the bright light of another beautiful, sunny day. They quickly focused in on Bakugou, who had just turned from his back to his side, their faces now no more than a dozen centimeters apart. The blond's eyes were closed, his breath slow and even, but he had a habit of playing possum, and by now Eijirou knew better than to assume that he was completely asleep. At any rate, he looked peaceful, happy even. Which was a beautiful sight, and frankly a bit of a relief.

To be honest, Eijirou had been a little worried the day before, right after lunch when Bakugou had disappeared. He didn't know where Bakugou had gone – although if he had to guess, he'd say to talk to Kaminari, since Bakugou had mentioned him, but Eijirou couldn't be sure. And when Bakugou had returned, it was like nothing strange had happened before.

Even now, as Eijirou studied Bakugou, eyes following the gentle curve of his cheekbones, hands trailing softly up and down Bakugou's spine, feeling the way their chests deflated and expanded with every breath they took, he was overcome with the feeling that everything was fine. If Bakugou had a serious problem, they would have talked about it already, right? There was tremendous trust between them, after all, and Eijirou was certain that Bakugou would share with him anything that he felt needed to be shared.

And there was that feeling again, for the thousandth time, like pride and happiness and honor, that this trust that was shared between them was probably unlike any connection that Bakugou had ever allowed himself to have anyone else before. It felt good, knowing that he had helped Bakugou break down those walls, and it felt even better knowing that Bakugou was slowly learning to break down those walls for other people as well. He was growing right before Eijirou's very eyes, more and more every day, and witnessing such a transformation was incredible.

Without even thinking, he brought a hand to brush a longer strand of Bakugou's hair behind his ear, gently cupping his cheek. And Bakugou's eyebrows scrunched together, and he let out a long groan, turning his head as if trying to smother his own face in the pillow.

Through the fabric, Eijirou could just make out a muffled "you woke me up, you fucker".

Eijirou couldn't help but snort at that. "Sorry, sorry." He didn't take his hand away.

Though, Bakugou didn't really seem to mind. He wasn't hiding his face any longer, and if anything, he was now leaning into the touch.With a smile stretching from ear to ear, Eijirou scooched forward, bringing their bodies closer together, gently nudging his face against Bakugou's, placing the softest of kisses on his cheek, then another, and another, and another, coaxing Bakugou to give into the affection. Eventually, the blond leaned forward, allowing their foreheads to join together, their lips barely hovering apart.

Eijirou's thumb brushed gently against the corner of Bakugou's lips. He closed his eyes, hesitating.

"This okay?" he whispered, his voice turning so low he could barely hear it himself.

At first, Bakugou didn't respond. And maybe it wasn't normal to ask that question, especially since they had already kissed a lot, but Bakugou was still so new to the experience of intimacy. Eijirou was too, for that matter, and he wanted to be sure that Bakugou still had the opportunity to choose if he wanted to or not.

Then, Eijirou felt a nod against his forehead. He grinned, leaning forward.

The kiss was soft, affectionate, breathtaking, and Eijirou firmly concluded that no matter how many times they do this, he was never going to get tired of it. The two of them allowed the kiss to linger, move, deepen a bit. Just enough to quicken heartbeats and feel a little exhilarating, and pretty soon, Eijirou found himself perched up on an elbow, leaning over Bakugou who lying with his back to the mattress, their kisses so gentle and loving it was as if they were scared they would never be able kiss again.

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