Sickfic (L'manbur x Pogbur)

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Pogbur is sick and didn't want to tell anyone because it would ruin his strong image. L'manbur noticed though, he wasn't stupid so he tapped the man on the shoulder, "Vilbur?"
"Oh. Hey." Pogbur said as he turned around to face the other male.
"I know you are sick."
Pogbur rolled his eyes, even if L'manbur knew he wasn't just gonna give in that easily to admit it, "I am not sick!"

L'manbur groaned, why did he have to make everything so difficult?! He thought. He grabbed Pogbur by the arm and despite the other male's protests he was dragged to his room and forced to bed.

"You stay here while I make you some soup and bring medication."

Pogbur sat up, "I could of walked here myself and I am not a little kid I can take care of myself."

"Yeah I highly doubt that you are capable of taking care of yourself when you haven't been for the past few days you've been sick."

Pogbur rolled his eyes once more, "Just go and make your dumb soup."

L'manbur smiled and walked to the kitchen to make the soup that Pogbur secretly been craving.

Pogbur was just sitting on his bed waiting for the him, he was honestly so tired and was about to pass out any second. He didn't know how he was awake still. He couldn't fall asleep though since he wanted some of L'manbur's soup so he waited.

L'manbur came in the room with the chicken soup and a pill bottle. "Finally what took you so long."

"Soup takes a while to make idiot." L'manbur stated and sat down on a chair besides Pog's bed.

"Give me the soup I can feed myself!"

"No you can't, just look at yourself stupid. You look like you can't even stay awake."

Pogbur growled as he opened his mouth to let L'manbur spoon feed him. Couple minutes later they were finished.

"Now the medicine." L'manbur said grabbing 2 pills from a bottle of pills and giving it to Pogbur as well as a water bottle.

"Drink up whore"

"You did not have to call me a whore." Pogbur said rolling his eyes for like the 100th time today.

"Just take the damn pills."

Pogbur sighed and took the pills and drank water. "There happy." He said huffing and laying down.

"Now go away I am trying to sleep." Pogbur exclaimed while turning away from L'manbur.

"I wanna cuddle with you!"
L'manbur jumped on Pogbur and laid his head on his chest, "What the hell!" Pogbur said trying to push the clingy man away. "Don't you have work to do."

"Yes but I want to be here for you since you are sick."
Pogbur groaned and much as he hate to admit it he loved L'manbur's company more than anything so he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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