Marichat_night Part 10 FINALE

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C: Mari, are you awake?
I am now.
C: Can we talk about something?
Sure what is it... Are you okay?
C: Yeah I'm good. Well we will have a baby and I'm well Chat Noir and you are well Ladybug.
Listen if u don't want to tell me who u really are then is okay.
C: I want you to know but I don't know how will you...
I love you with and without that mask. You are YOU behind that mask is still you.
C: Well Plagg, Claws In.
A: You are disappointed right...
*jumps into his hug and kiss him passionately* I'm glad is you.
A: *smiles* I love you princess.
I love you to chaton.

8 months later Marinette give a birth to a sweet baby girl and everyone loved her, specially her parents. After that Adrien and Marinette get married and they bought a big house, in Los Angeles. Adrien found a big job and Marinette was a fashion designer like she always wanted, seven years later....

A: I have to go on a business trip, are you sure you two will gonna be fine?
We will be fine.
E: Daddy, I love you.
A: I love you too Evy.
I will miss you.
A: Me too. I have to go. Don't worry In New York are superheroes so if anything happens I be safe.
I know but here *gives him earrings*
A: Why those? Keep them in case something happen here.
I don't want you to go *hugs him*
A: I know. *hugs her back* You need to let me go now or I will got fired.
E: Daddy come back soon.
A: I will.

Adrien was in New York and something horrible happened a vilain attacked the city so he need to be Chat/Cat Noir and he got hitted really hard.

M: Chat you won't survive if you get hit one more time!
C: Majestia *caughing blood* if anything happens to me give my ring to my wife.
M: I promise I will give her the ring.
C: Good, now go, I will stay here for a while.
M: Just rest here we will take care of vilain. *leaves*
C: *making a phone call*
C: Hey sweetie, is me. *caughing blood*
Chat, o my gosh are you okay, are you hurt. I heard...
C: Don't panic, I don't have much time. I'm just calling you to tell you that I love you more than anything and you are verry special girl, and amazing wife. And make sure our girl never forget me. *hears her crying* Don't cry princess I will always be there by you. *hears Evy saying, "Mommy why are you crying" Can you give me her on the phone princess?
Here Evy is daddy, I love you Adrien. *gives phone to Evy*
E: Hey daddy, when are you coming home?
C: I would give anything on the world to be down there with you. *caughing blood*
E: Why is mommy crying?
C: Evy promise me something, promise me you will help mommy around the house and whenever she would need help, and promise me you will do anything what mommy says.
E: I promise.
C: Now raise your hand to the sky and start waving to me.
E: But I can't see you. "laughs"
C: But I can see you. *caughing blood* And always remember be good and I love you both. *passes out*
E: Daddy? Daddy are you here? Mommy daddy is not answering...

Meanwhile in NY

Chat/Cat detransforms into Adrien.
No one saw him.

RP: Hey guys call the ambulance this boy is not okay.
*sirens are everywhere, they toke him to the hospital*
D: He's not breathing! We can save him. Does he have a family here?
N: He is super model named Adrien Agreste from France, doctor. He has his phone here do I call his wife?
D: Yes and tell her to come here soon.

N: *calling Marinette*
Oh, thank God, you are okay. I thought that I lose you.
N: Acually miss, I'm calling from the hospital, your husband is in the coma. We saved him in the last moment. It would be great if you can came here soon.
*starts crying* Sure I will come. Thanks for calling me.

Marinette started to pack all stuff for her family she bought a plane tickets for New York and she take Evy with her. Mari found one small apartment for her and Evy. They were living there. Evy was going to school and helped Mari around the house. Somehow it passed years. One day doctor called Mari.

D: I'm sorry miss. But we did everything we could. There is nothing that we can do anymore.
*starts to cry really harder* Please I'm begging you give him one more day to wake up, please I belive he will wake up. Just give him some time.
D: I'm really sorry come to the hospital today to say goodbye to him.

At the hospital

E: Mom we can't just give up, dad wouldn't like that. Please be strong for him.
I know Evy... Daddy loved us both. *crying*
E: Mom please don't cry, go get some fresh air I will be with dad.
Thank you Evy.

Evy enters the room

*sits on the bed with him* I'm sorry dad. I disappointed you. I know I have to be strong for mom. But I don't know how, it just hurts so much. Mom left me to sleep in one of your shirts, but years passed buy, there is still nothing from you. Please daddy... Wake up! Wake up for me! I need you more than ever.
A: *opens his eyes slowly* *he sees Evy crying next to him* E...Evy...
A: *hugs her back tighter and kisses her forehead* Hey, slown down I can't breathe *starts laughing*
E: Daddy I missed you so much.
A: I missed you so much too Evy. Look how big you are.
E: I'm in the 6th grade dad. Mom says I'm like you.
A: Yes, she's right. You have long blond hair and you have green eyes.
*Mari enters*
M: That's impossible. Adrien!
A: Come here! *they hugged tight and kissed*
E: Ehem, maybe I should leave you two love birds alone. *everyone starts laughing*

After that doctor said that Adrien was doing fine and he can go home. Since Evy was here in middle school they all agreed to stay in NY, Evy said she want to go on music academy in Los Angeles, they all will go back to their old house and home. One year later Mari and Adrien got a new baby and his name was Luca, he was just like his mother he got her blue eyes. Adrien and Marinette were so happy on their kids, Adrien was so proud on Evy that he gave her his ring. And after that who knows what will happen next! Maybe Evy had some new adventures in her life too. Or she was just like hers dad in cat suit.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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