Happy Birthday, Mikey

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Shinichiro closed his shop early after completing the repairs to his present for Manjiro, his loving little brother, the CB250T. He rose from his squat, wiped the perspiration off his brow, and smiled as he exhibited the motorcycle near the glass window.

"Alright, Mikey will love this!"

His phone soon rang loudly from his upstairs room after he closed his shop.

"Who might be texting me at this hour?"

Shinichiro turned down the lights in his shop before hunting for his phone, and when he found it, he grinned as his fatigue vanished as he received a text from a girl he likes.

-Shinichiro-kun, thank you for today. I really appreciate it. You're so kind.

Shinichiro smiled as she spoke about purity. He stared at the words, his eyes wide with love, envisioning her voice as he read. And every time he hears her voice, he can't help but make another date simply to see her again. Shinichiro, on the other hand, does not want their next date to be just another ordinary date; he wants them to go out like a true couple.

So, despite his expertise, he braced himself for another rejection. He typed...

- I like you. Please be my girlfriend. I really like you.

The moment he sent that, he heard a sound coming from his shop.

"A robber?" he thought.

Shinichiro turned off his phone, placed it on the table, and grabbed the nearest weapon before descending the stairs and heading into his shop. He noticed a boy clad in black attempting to rob the CB250T.

"What we got here? A thief?"

He said as he stepped out of the shadows. The boy turns to face him, watching him unveil himself to him. "Whose shop do you think you broke into? Get out."

The boy's eyes widen when he figured that Shinichiro is holding a weapon.

"You think you can play around with me? You're not getting away, punk." Until Shinichiro came to a halt when he recognized the boy's face. "Hmm? Hey, haven't I seen you somewhere before? Aren't you...Keisuke?"

The boy's reaction proves Shinichiro was right.

"Mikey's friend." Shinichiro said at the back of his mind.

"Sh-shinichiro-kun? Why are you...here?"

"This is my shop, you know?"

"Your shop?"

Shinichiro's muscles relaxed as he realized he could converse to the boy. Until he heard loud gasps and heavy footsteps from behind him. He slowly turned around, but before he could identify his own face, a searing agony pierced his head, his body whirled by the loud and hard hit, and the next thing he knew, he was struggling for his life. Slowly, he felt his body becoming lifeless, but before he closed his eyes completely, he remembered the text he sent to the woman he likes. He wonders what her response will be.

Another setback? Or, at long last, acceptance?

Shinichiro only smiled but that smile faded after he said inside his mind, Happy Birthday, Manjiro. Live your best life, little brother.

Then he felt Baji, Manjiro's friend's touch then nothing...

After the darkness obscured his vision, he felt like floating then what happened next surprised him. He watched his body being surrounded by Baji and Kazutora.

"He is....Mikey's older brother!" Baji screamed with full of grief in his voice.

When Shinichiro heard the ringing of his phone, he walked towards his room, leaving his body cold on the floor. His phone lit up and the reply finally came. He smiled, laughed, then cried as he read it.

-I like you too, Shinichiro-kun. See you tomorrow?


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