It's time to go on a trip. Together with Lana I am going on a trip with a few other people that I don't know yet. Lana and another girl organised this trip. She begged me to go with her but I really wasn't into it. Eventually she convinced me to go with her. We are with a group of 10 people. 6 girls and 4 boys. I really don't know what to do, I only know Lana. So that's gonna be a great trip. But I'm not gonna think too much about it and I will just go with the flow and we'll see what happens.
Alright there we went... we arrived in a forest, with in the middle a beautiful lake with a kind of treehouse. But it was so big! There were two cabins. One for the girls and one for the boys. Everyone had their own room. Great for me, so i didn't have to share anything with anyone so i can just do my own thing while i'm here. I even brought my guitar to relax a little bit. No one who is here with me knows I play the guitar and especially not that I can sing. I dropped my baggage and decided to go and meet all the guys. They were all sitting in a big circle around a campfire place. I sat down and listened to the people who were in a conversation. Eventually a boy came to sit next to me. He introduced himself and said his name is Lando. I introduced myself and we talked for a little while. He was really kind and it was very comforting. It made it a little bit less worse. Eventually Lana stood up and said that it was time to introduce yourself to everyone. She started:' Hi guys, as everyone already knows, i'm Lana, i'm 19 years old and i'm from the Netherlands.' The next one was Deborah, also a 19 years old dutch girl. She and Lana organised all of this. The third one was Sarah, a 20 years old dutch girl. Fourth was George, a 23 years old british guy. Fifth was Charles, a 23 years old guy from Monaco. Sixth was Juri, a 20 years old Estonian guy. Seventh was Charlotte, girlfriend of Charles. A 21 years old girl also from Monaco. Eight was Carmen, she is the girlfriend of George. I was next:' Hi i'm Danielle, 19 years old from the Netherlands.' At last it was Lando's turn. 'Hi i'm Lando, 21 and from England.' 'Now that everyone knows each other let's go eat something.' Lana said with a big smile on her face. We walked towards the big living room. There were a lot of pizzas on the table. Everyone ate and talked. It was really overwhelming for me. So after dinner I decided to go for a walk.
I walked towards a little road behind the treehouse. It was a short walk up the hill. I ended up by the lake, it was a beautiful view. There were two big rocks at the edge of the water. I sat on one of them and I enjoyed the silence for a while. After half an hour I thought maybe it is time to go back, no one knows where I am. Not that they would worry about me but still. I walked back and saw everyone have fun by the fireplace. I went into my room and changed into something comfortable. I walked to the fireplace and joined the group. Lana came to sit next to me and asked where I was. I told her I just had to spend some time on my own. She looked me in my eyes and smiled. She was the only one that knew that i'm overwhelmed really fast, so she knew exactly why I had to go. I sat down a bit further away from everyone and just observed what everyone was doing. After a while Charlotte came to me and asked if I was alright. I said that I was fine and then she asked me to join her, Charles and Lando to play a game together. I agreed and we had a lot of fun the rest of the night. While we were playing i accidentally made a lot of eye contact with Lando. But it wasn't awkward at all. It felt really calming and every time we locked eyes with each other I couldn't help it but smile. When it was 2 am we decided it would be best to go to bed.
The next morning I was awake really early. I stepped out of bed and went to the living room to make breakfast for everyone. After half an hour George came to join me. Together we made some really nice pancakes and had some bread and fruit and lots more. After 1,5 hours of making breakfast everyone was awake and sat at the table. We ate together and talked a little bit about everything. After breakfast Lana and Deborah organised a walk around the lake. We walked up the hill, exactly like I did yesterday. When we arrived everyone was in love with the view. We walked for another hour. During the walk Lando came to walk next to me. We talked about a lot of stuff. Especially our love for music. He said he was learning to play the drums. I didn't say anything about me and guitar and singing. It's better that no one knows. Otherwise I have to give a little concert later this week. That's not really what I want at this moment, you know. When we were back home everyone did something for themselves. George and Carmen went for another walk, Charles and Charlotte settled on the couch and Lana, Deborah and Sarah were going to the shopping centre. Juri and Lando had found a playstation and were playing call of duty. I grabbed my guitar and went up the hill, sat on the big rock and played some calming songs. After a few hours I saw George and Carmen come back from their walk. I immediately laid my guitar beside me so they wouldn't see it. I grabbed my phone and pretended that I was texting someone. They came up to me and asked if I was also going back to the treehouse. I said:' yeah I will be there in a few minutes.' They walked back to the treehouse and after a few minutes I grabbed my guitar and walked back. When I was almost back I saw that Charles, Charlotte, Lando and Juri were sitting outside. I thought if I went past them they would see my guitar and then... yeah you know. So I walked through the bushes on the other side. Luckily no one saw me. I went to my room and put my guitar back. When I walked outside again I walked up to Juri. I was shocked and looked into his eyes. He smiled and apologised. I said that it was alright and together we walked back to the group. Lana, Deborah and Sarah had brought some food back from the shopping centre. Together we ate something and had some fun after. We decided to go for a swim in the lake. It was amazing. We swam and watched the sunset together. After that I was really tired so I walked back to the treehouse. The rest wanted to stay there for a little longer and that was alright. When I walked back I heard someone coming after me. I looked back and saw Lando running towards me. I stopped walking and waited for him. He asked me where I was going. I said that I was pretty tired so I was going to sleep. He asked if he should go with me. I said;'If you don't want to stay with them you can come with me.' He smiled and walked with me back to the treehouse. He walked me to my room and gave me a goodnight hug. I hugged him back and it felt really great, something I've never felt before.