𝟾. [ 'ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ' ] ⛈️

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"So they made his birthday extra special, because there were already special guests over?" Diluc questions. You two finally had a pretty decent conversation, although you weren't telling him too much of yourself, in which Diluc found very unsatisfying.

"I didn't even wanna appro-" You stopped talking as you felt sudden uneasiness, the air felt stiff for some weird reason. Diluc seemed to notice too.

As you both stayed silent to observe your surroundings, you had a clue. "could it be?.." A cold sweat dropped down your cheek.

You both faced the fences in unison. An Abyss Herald was standing behind it, looking intimidating. You stood up quicker than lightning and stared at it. What's it doing so close to your house? As much as you want to get rid of it now, there's a high chance it will catch everyone's attention in the ballroom.

"(Y/N), get inside, I'll go after it" Before Diluc could take action, you lift up your dress as a bow and quiver fell down. Catching Diluc's attention.

"W-Why do you have weapons stuffed under your dress?" Diluc frowns with a bright pink blush on his face.

"Well it fit perfectly under this stupid crinoline, pretty handy I guess" You gave a cheeky smile.

"you do know your abilities are very loud right?" He stares at you like you're the dumbest person in Teyvat.

"a little thunder won't hurt" You ran before him and chased after the Abyss Herald, luckily for you, it teleported somewhere a little far from the manor. Now you can be as loud as you want.

On the way however, your dress got stuck in some thorns which made some fabrics rip. You were also running barefoot which slowed you down due to stepping on tiny rocks and sticks. So Diluc was already ahead of you.

"Ugh, no matter how skilled I get, I can never be pretty and fight at the same time" You sighed as you took off a golden clip from your hair and let your gorgeous hairstyle fall apart. You also had to break your crinoline so you could move better in that dress.

You could now finally run freely, although your feet still hurt.

After catching up to Diluc, the Abyss Herald stopped and faced you both.

"You both have been a nuisance to the abyss, it's time for you to perish once and for all" It said with a raspy voice.

"The only thing that will perish is this beautiful dress and that's your fault!" You yelled the last line once you attacked first. You usually start with 1 arrow when facing one enemy, but this time you went straight ahead with 3.

The arrow quickly made its way to the Abyss Herald's head, only for it to poke its cheek and fall off.

"what?" You frowned.

"It's immune to electro" Diluc looked at you without an expression, as always.

"you could've said so sooner!" You jumped on a tree branch when it launched a hydro attack on you.

Another hydro attack went straight for Diluc but this dumbass was looking at you so he was drenched in water and the attack also left a scratch on his cheek.

"oh no, Diluc, watch out" You said with a sarcastic tone, but your expression looked surprised.

"Thanks, I'll remember that" He frowned.

Playtime's over, it was time to analyze a plan. You hold tight onto the tree as the Abyss Herald had all its focus on Diluc. Your arrows are always infused with electro and poison, so focusing on physical damage would be pointless since the poison itself takes a lot of damage. The Abyss Herald is much more powerful than a mage, so it's obviously impossible to poison it.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 𝐃𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 𝐑.Where stories live. Discover now