No Matter What

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Amor turned to look at Bosip and smiled. "Alright! Everything is set, you can go through the portal now." He says as he notices the blonde glance around in confusion. "Something wrong?"

The other male shook his head. "Not exactly, shouldn't Bob be here as well? I don't see him anywhere..."

"Who's Bob?"

Bosip just rolled his eyes. "Very funny Amor but seriously, where is he?" He asked his creator once more and frowned when he saw the serious expression on his face. "You're not joking..."

"Not this time buddy. Either I don't know who you're talking about or he doesn't exist." The blue haired male states with a shrug.

That should have been the first sign but Bosip was too close to going into full on panic to notice it. "You do know him. He has blue hair, this tall, very energetic and plays games with me?" He waves his arms around while describing Bob to the man in front of him who just shakes his head with a frown.

"Sorry dude but none of that rings a bell. If I don't know him then I doubt any of the others do as well. I don't think he's real..." Amor says with an apologetic look.

"No, he's real I swear!" The blonde calls out into the darkness as he sits up in his bed with a few tears running down his face.

He begins to calm down and takes in his surroundings, it's two in the morning and he's crying over a nightmare about Bob.

Bosip knows it was just a dream but he can't shake the need to check up on the blue haired idiot he loves so dearly.

Slowly, Bosip gets out of bed and heads over to Bob's room making sure to knock before entering. "Bob, you awake?" He asks the boy while silently debating on if he should go back to bed or not until he hears the rustling of sheets.

"Bosip?What are you-" He's cut off by the sight of a dishevelled looking Bosip. His eyes red and puffy from crying in his sleep, blonde hair that's sticking out from every direction possible and not to mention the fearful look on his face.

He motions for his boyfriend to come lay next to him. Once Bosip's comfortable Bob breaks the silence between them. "Is something wrong Bo? You don't wake up like this unless it's really important."

The blonde cuddles up to Bob but doesn't say anything for a while. "I had a nightmare where you didn't exist and God- It felt so fucking real..." He tells his lover who pulls him into a tight hug and runs a hand through Bosip's hair.

"I'm here now aren't I? I wouldn't be able to do all this if I wasn't." The shorter male says half jokingly, earning him a chuckle from his partner.

"I guess not but the fear of it being true is still there, you know?"

Bob nodded in agreement then smiling warmly at Bosip. "That's why I'll be here for you no matter what!"

Bosip then shoots him an amused but grateful look. "Promise?"

The blue haired male quickly kissed him on the forehead before responding. "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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