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Hello, Readers

As many of you know, I'm rewriting this book, sorry I haven't been fulfilled with my part of updating.

Also I do not claim being an experienced writer, I'm not, I just write for fun. But if you see any errors in my writing and is highly bothered by it, comment on it (nicely) I don't mind fixing it. I'm still getting better and improving at my writing skills.

I do not own The Originals/Twilight sage those are owned by their rightful owners (Stephanie Meyers, Julie Plec, & L.J Smith), all I own is Annabeth and her babies and any other character that never existed in the TVDU/Twilight universe.

I also want to add. Although this follows the plot --very loosely-- of both The Originals/The Vampire Diaries and Twilight, this heavily is different from the two and my own fan fiction. Though I am using the same casting and plot the timeline would be heavily different. A lot of things that happen in Twilight won't happen here. And a lot of things that happen in The Originals won't happen here. If you don't like it, simply leave. This is my own interpretation of this story and my character and other character storyline. There's going to be plot holes —because hey like I've stated I'm not an experienced writer— and a lot of the storyline will make you think "This wasn't in The Originals/Twilight." OR "This can't possibly happen. It's not possible in one/either universe."

The first comment. Good. I'm trying to make my own story within my own fan fiction. Make it original. Make it unique. Make it my own.

The second comment. Okay? Who the hell cares if it's not possible in one or both universe. It's not supposed to. And I simply don't care. It's my own original (or trying to be) work. This is just how I see it. Plus it's my own fan fiction. I'm the author who made it true in this fan fiction. It may not be true in the other two but hell it's true here.

ALSO there are a lot of differences in both universes. Twilight has only cold ones and shifters —if theirs more than I don't know I've only watched the movie and barely starting off on reading the first book.— While The Originals/The Vampire Diaries/Legacies have loads of different species. Night walkers (and more), werewolves, witches, doppelgänger, etc.

And if you want to leave a good criticism comment on my story go right ahead. I literally don't mind. Go. For. It. I want to get better at writing and criticism along with tips is going to help achieve that in the long run. And I love comments in general.

But if your here to leave a bad negative comments, I will delete them! I don't care what you think on this because this is my story.

TW (Trigger Warning):

-Little/a lot of scenes talking about the gore factor
-Cursing (mild-extreme)
-Intercourse (talk of/little to no smutt)
-Major/minor character deaths,

Enjoy reading, readers



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