"I'm so tired, Scaramouche"

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heres a short mini-chapter from scaramouche's pov because school = ass 😭

will write more from mona's pov just thought this would be fun hhhehe

Ugh. Scaramouche's head hurt. He buried his head between his hands, ignoring the throbbing headache. He sat back in his bed and picked up his phone, noticing that he had a few text messages. Whatever.

Just as Scaramouche was about to get up, his phone buzzed again, annoyingly. Scaramouche picked up his phone and looked at the screen, finally noticing the sender. Mona. He was a little annoyed at how his heart kicked against his chest at the sight of her name.

Deciding that Scaramouche might as well see what she wanted, he opened his phone and read her messages.


Mona: hueuyyy

Mona: Hisiskw@

Are you drunk? :Me

Mona: skhhhhshsh

Mona: Im dndeurnk

Mona: Duenrm

Mona: Drunksoe

I'm gonna call you :Me

Rolling his eyes, Scaramouche lifted the phone to his ear and leaned against the headboards, his brain already overthinking every word Mona had typed, no matter how incoherent it was. Why did Mona call him the second she got drunk? Was Scaramouche her first thought, or just the first contact number?

"Hhhhhiiii," Mona slurred into the phone, her voice a little raspy and lower than normal. The sound kicked Scaramouche's heart into his stomach.

"Hi there," Scaramouche said. "I'm glad I'm your drunk dial,"

"Nnnot just my ddrunk dial, S-scara," Mona said. "I-" Mona hiccuped a little, and Scaramouche could hear fabric shifting in the background, presumably Mona sitting down or moving.

Even thinking about what Mona was wearing made him flush, mind rocketing to the car wash where she had worn that small top and shorts, long legs and bare shoulders glowing from the hot sun. Scaramouche had fallen asleep with his mind occupied with the way Mona had looked at him, like maybe, just maybe, she really didn't hate him as much as she said she did.

"I wwwaaanted to know howww your math test went," Mona said. Scaramouche could imagine her nodding her head to show that she was being genuine, black pigtails sweeping over her shoulders.

"Are you sober enough to remember what I tell you?" Scaramouche asked, smiling softly to himself. He hadn't actually been sure if Mona cared about his grades or not, or was just doing it so Scaramouche would help her back. It was nice to receive confirmation, even if Mona was drunk.

"Shhhhure," Mona said.

"Alright." Scaramouche leaned his head against the headboard, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I passed with a 97." 

"S-ssee, I told you tthhhat you would p-pass." Mona said in a haughty tone, albeit still a drunk one. "My tutttroing skills are ssssspectacular," she proclaimed.

"Okay, Mona." Scaramouche laughed a little.

"I liike it when you say my namme, Scaramouche." Mona whispered.

"What else do you like about me?" Scaramouche asked, also whispering. 

"I like yyour hair. I like yooour eyes. I llike the way yyou-" Mona stopped suddenly, hiccuping a little bit again. "I like tthe way you kiss me."

Scaramouche laughed slightly. He did like kissing Mona, although he hadn't gotten the chance to do it very many times. However, Scaramouche had been thinking about it for a long time.

Mona stopped talking for a moment. Scaramouche could hear her breathing on the other side, so he assumed she was okay. 

"I'm so tiiired, Scaramouche." Mona said after a while. 

"Me too, I think we should both go to bed." Scaramouche said, even though he knew that wasn't what Mona meant. 

"Nonono, I mean." Mona paused, and then sighed. "I'm so tired of pretending to hate you."

Scaramouche blinked, his mouth parting slightly. "I knew you always appreciated me." He teased, pretending to take her comment lightheartedly.

Mona sighed. "Dddo you wwant to comme help me hang up pposters in a ffew days?" she asked. "I've beennn lookingg for sssomeone to doo it but noboody wwants to hhhelp me."

"Alright." Scaramouche agreed. Slowly, he hung up. 

He knew it. Mona didn't really hate him after all.

also fun fact my friends texted me while drunk so the beginning chatfic part is a copy paste of what they said

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