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A/N:This is more of a platonic lovers between Alice/Cindy/ and Joan in the school time of 1975 when Alice was 15 and Joan and Cindy were 14.

Cindys POV:

Summer of 1975 i think was the last time we were all actually happy i mean before i snitched on Alice before joan started to do drugs,and before camp nightwing where nothing went right.
I felt a piece of paper hit my leg in class the teacher Mr. Clarke  left the class room so ofcourse all i could here were multiple kids talking over each other. I grabbed the paper from the ground and i opened it and it said "meet me and joan after the fire drill- Alice"

Why would there be a fire drill if-

I see a glimpse of alice pulling down the fire alarm but quickly running away with the class running out of the school i quickly got up and ran out the school with the students.

Its like my life flashed before my eyes because someone pulled me into the girls bathroom.

"Hey Berman" Alice said smiling
"Alice why did you do that?"

"Class is boring" Joan said appearing out of nowhere

"Ok anyways its not long enough until the firefighters come so if so what do we do?" I ask

"Hide Berman we hide"Alice said while giggling

"GIRLS GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW" A firefighter said yelling

Me and joan started walking and trying not to laugh because we knew what Alice was gonna do and/or say.

"Bye girls" Alice said smiling

"HEY LITTLE GIRL ITS NOT SAFE"the firefighter said to Alice

"I'm not a girl and there's no fire I know because I pulled the alarm and I'm non-binary so therefore your rules don't apply to me" Alice said smiling again

After that Alice realized that she said she pulled the alarm so we all ran lucky next to the bathroom there's an emergency exit that's close to Joan's house so we all ran out laughing.

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