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"Mom just let me go out for just once please!" you plead as you fold your hand to convince your mother. She sighed, eyeing you. "Y/n, I am worried about your safety don't you heard the news?" You rolled your eyes as you knew she'll start bringing up the news about the teenagers who's been missing. "It's just me and my new friends.." you pouted. "-i want to have fun too"

"I know sweetie, but isn't being with your family fun too?"


"Just listen to me y/n. I know the best for you" she smiled as pat your shoulders.

You thought about sneaking up at night and not telling about your parents. Tonight you'll have fun with your new friends. Speaking of new friends, it's been a while since your family moved here. Going out to buy some stuff you met them at the store near your house.

"Hi...??" A girl came at you putting something in her pocket. You smiled awkwardly replying "Hello"

"So you're the mover here?" she questioned as she furrowed her frows. You nod at her. "Oh, come on I'll be your friend and you'll also befriend my friends" a group of teenagers entered the store like a shoot for a movie. Your mouth opened in amusement. "T-thank you" the girl smiled at you offering a hand. "I'm Beatrice" you two shook hands. "-and this is Dain, Meghan and Rita" she pointed at the three beside her. You and them shook hands too.

"Later, 9:00 pm just beside this store" Beatrice winked at you before leaving. You smiled and waved at them.

"So I have friends..."

"Y/n! Psst!" Someone called. You looked at the window just to see Dain wiggling his brows. You checked if your mom is still there but luckily she have left the room. You quickly ran towards the windows.

"Dain. It's you" you smiled at him.

"So, what's your plan" he questioned dusting himself.

"I don't think I can go, but.." you once again checked if someone is there with you and leaned closer to the window, whispering. "-im planning to sneak out tonight" you snickered. Dain did too and picked his phone.

"Can I have your number? Uhm.. just to get in touch" he winked offering you his phone. "Wait a sec" you went to the table beside your bed and grabbed your phone.

"And that's it" you gave Dain his phone and he smiled.

"See you tonight" he said before waving at you looking at his phone with a smile.

You took a deep breath and sat down on your bed smiling as you clicked Dain's name at you mr contact sending him a "hi" which he replied just the time.



"Hello y/n"
"You don't have to go if you can't"

"No, I'll.. go :)"

"Alright, make sure to check on me later, okay?"

"Yes! See you"

"Haha, you too"


You lay onto your bed your phone on your under your chest as you think about the fun things tonight.


You went to the kitchen to help your mother prepare the dinner for tonight when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. It was Dain reminding you of tonight.


Hi y/n, it's me Dain just here to hear you out.


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