Part 1

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It isn't fair how Seabrook won't allow zombies to participate in their Halloween activities. Some bogus fear that their feral nature would resurface if they're exposed to 'the interpretations of wickedness,' no matter how playful it may be.

Addison rolls her eyes at the ridiculous implication. In the several months she's known the zombies, never once has she felt like the outcast she always was with her fellow humans. And with her hair now exposed, she honestly feels like she belongs more with the zombies anyways.

Especially with Zed. The zombie who encouraged her to be herself, who convinced her that she was beautiful inside and out. Now he is the one being oppressed once again.

She is determined to stand beside him and the other zombies for their rights and protest the fall festival completely if the zombies weren't allowed to participate. Of course, her one voice didn't change the minds of the city council (aka her mother, the mayor) but anything in her power she can do, she will.

So today, while the rest of Seabrook is setting up and preparing for the festivities this evening, Addison is putting together a basket of Halloween themed goodies for the zombies. She plans to get there just before dark and pass out the goodies to the community, then stay with Zed and his family for the night.

But it's getting later in the afternoon and she's just now getting the treats packed up in her basket. If she leaves now, she can still make it before sundown like she planned but she still isn't finished loading the plethora of sweets. She tries to hurry, being as careful as possible not to crush any cookies or pretzels in her rush.

With the basket packed, she throws a thick, white shawl securely around her shoulders to fend off the autumn chill during her walk, her hair nearly blending into the fabric. As she makes her way to the front door, she's stopped just as her fingers grip the handle.

"Going out?" Her mother questions. Addison turns back to face her, forced smile on her lips.

"Yeah, I'm going over to Zombietown for the evening," she tells her matter-of-factly. Her mother frowns.

"You ain't helping them celebrate Halloween, are you?" She asks, tone telling her daughter that she already knows the answer.

"No!" Addison sarcastically denies, swaying foot to foot. "That would be breaking the rules! I would never do that!"

"Mhm," her mother's eyes narrow at her but she surprisingly doesn't retort back. "Since you obviously don't plan to attend, I expect you'll be home by the time festivities are over?"

"Yes, Mom. I'll walk home alone at midnight though Zombietown," she agrees with thick sarcasm at her mother's clear lack of worry for her well-being. She knows that comment will land her in trouble so she doesn't stick around for the punishment, quickly grabbing the doorknob and rushing out into the crisp fall air.

"Addison Rosland Wells!" Mayor Missy shouts, chasing behind her to the doorway. Addison doesn't slow down, or even turn around. "Don't make me regret letting you leave this house!" She warns.

The teen snorts as she keeps going.

It was quite the trek from her side of Seabrook to Zombietown. Looking up at the steadily moving sun, she groans in frustration. There is no way she's going to be able to make it there with enough time, mentally cursing the zombie's early curfew. If only there was a quicker way.

Then an idea strikes her. There is a quicker way. A shortcut through the 'Forbidden Forest.' She might be able to cut at least half an hour off her time if she took it. Any time saved is better than none to her. So she changes course.

It didn't seem so bad at first. She has to duck under a few branches every once in a while, be careful not to trip on stray tree roots, but overall she feels she's managing pretty well.

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