A Good Start Over

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By a miracle, the omega, Syd, held on to his alpha's fortune when the bastard died an untimely death in a hot tub at a brothel in the red-light district. Not wanting to be disturbed by an investigation, the proprietors relocated him, but his family pushed for a thorough investigation, and it all came out. How he spent the night "drinking" with prostitutes, and after they left, he climbed in the hot tub, passed out, and drowned. They weren't at fault, but his family harassed and threatened the establishment until they complained to their mafia protectors.

To Syd's surprise, the mafia sent in a crack attorney instead of thugs. He ensured every penny of the alpha's fortune, a family fortune amassed over eight generations, minus his substantial legal fees, was put in the control of the discarded omega they all loathed.

Then, he proceeded to help Syd evict them from the main estate and set it up as a home for other discarded male omegas. During the legal proceedings, Syd casually mentioned a desire to do something of that nature, and the attorney laughed maniacally and made sure it happened. He patted the omega's head, called him wickedly clever, and offered to continue as Syd's legal counsel.

Having no idea of what to do on his own, Syd accepted. He realized this attorney was loyal to the mafia, but he felt like they'd built a rapport, and he desperately clung to that thread of potential friendship in the absence of any others. The attorney was also an alpha, as handsome and appealing as any other, but Syd had been marked by his cruel husband, and even though his alpha was dead, he was incapable of mating a second time. The ruthless and kind attorney would be making some other omega happy someday. Maybe one of the young men who slowly trickled in as word of the place got out.

There weren't a huge number of male omegas to begin with, but even fewer managed to live happily and protected in the world. Older men who'd been abandoned or widowed and left with nothing came, and he put them to work caring for children who'd been discarded as soon as their secondary gender was identified. In this way, the halls of the great Andover mansion were filled with love and laughter for perhaps the first time in their long dignified history.

For the first time in his life, Syd felt full of purpose and hope. He didn't need a mate. He had twenty children at present and the resources to raise them well. The combined wisdom and cleverness of the experienced omegas who came to help answered his needs.

His life felt like it was finally starting for real now. Of course, he knew life would never run smoothly for omegas, and trouble was inevitable in a house filled with them.


I've been sitting on this start for over a year and love it, but I need more inspiration. I'd like to write each chapter as a short story about an omega who comes to the house. So, this is your opportunity to make requests. Give me your prompts, and I'll do my best to create a fluffy romance for every broken character you send to my home for abandoned male omegas.

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