| Chapter 2 - Calm After the Storm |

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Your POV

I woke up with a million notifications coming from my phone.

I slumped over and grabbed my phone off my desk, not paying attention to the time on my phone.

All the notifications were from Toru, asking where I was.

I was confused at what he meant, so I texted back and asked what he meant.

I flopped back on my bed and checked the time.

10:01 AM

I looked at my pillow and noticed there were spots where I cried, I sighed and looked at my phone.

'Uh..we have school..it's Friday..'


Oh. My. Lord.

This week couldn't get any worse...

At School.

I ran to my class as fast as I could, I already missed my first two classes when I slept in, I'll have to let my teacher know that I slept in and ask for the homework.

I'm a passing student and I don't usually sleep in, so they probably won't be mad at me, my second teacher might be, but most likely won't.

That isn't what I'm focused on, I'm literally about to be late to my third class.

I checked the time.

10:33 AM

My class starts in 2 minutes!

I ran as fast as I could to get there, then saw the room number.

There were some others that were in the hall going to their classes so it wasn't unusual to see me running.

I opened the door, panting for breath, and looked up, having people in my class staring at me.

I laugh nervously and walk to my desk and put my bag down.

"Miss L/N, you weren't in your two first classes, is that true?" I heard the health teacher ask, resulting in me lifting my head.

"Uh, yeah, I slept in, I had a rough night." I answered quietly, receiving a nod.

She walked over and whispered in my ear.

"You okay? You're looking a little tired today.." She asks in a genuine tone.

She was probably right, I practically rushed to get ready. I probably had hairs sticking up everywhere, bags under my eyes, and reddish eyes.

I nod. "Mhm, I'm sorry it won't happen again miss.."

She pats my shoulder and checks her watch. She walks up to the front.

"Alright role call-" I tuned everything out and put my head on my desk. Toru isn't in most of my classes since I'm a second year, I am in his science class and English class since I take an upper grade level for those classes.

I didn't really try making friends with any girls, I was kinda scared of getting harassed, so the only friends I really have are people on Toru's team, and now we broke up, but he's still my best friend despite me still loving him.

"L/N!" I jolt up and look around.

"I've been calling your name about ten times now, do you need to go to the nurse, dear? You're clearly out of it today."

"No no! I'm fine, just a bit tired.." I assure, doing a fake smile.

She nods again and puts down her board.

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