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link: spoti.fi/3DzdOcE

"This is so fucking stupid."

"Just relax, will you?" She mumbles under her breath as Alice sighs next to her, just like she has the entire time they've been sat within the school gymnasium with the rest of the female class.

Ninth through twelfth grade was sat along the bleachers while listening to the guest speaker that comes every year to talk about one thing and one thing only: teen pregnancy. As seniors, they have heard this speech three times over, about how having sex should be saved for marriage, about how using condoms doesn't work sometimes, and about how difficult life is with an unwanted baby. It was stale at this point, they've heard it all, but only this time, she could actually be in a position like that—pregnant, specifically.

"Why do we even have to be here? We're seniors, we've heard it every other fucking year."

"Maybe some people weren't at school those days."

"God, your optimism is sickening." Alice grumbles and she only smiles at her, earning an eye roll and a shake of her head as the middle aged woman continues to talk about teen mom horror stories. "I wouldn't beam so bright, Josie. One faulty condom, and you're on your way to being Mrs.Styles with a British bun in the oven."

"Is that such a bad thing?"

"Considering you're still in high school and just learned what Harry's middle name was two days ago, I'd say so, yeah." Alice's words send a frown to her lips that no one else seemed to notice, but she had a feeling no one else was paying attention to anything anymore. The woman's voice was mundane as it is, let alone the subject she had been discussing for a solid half an hour now. "What? You really think if worst came to worst and you got knocked up, that Harry would be overjoyed about it?"

"I don't know, what are you even on about?"

"You gotta be careful, Josie." Alice tells her and she can't keep her eyes from rolling, "I'm serious. Look, I know you love Harry—"


"Yeah, you do." Alice quickly cuts in and she doesn't argue, only crosses her arms over her chest while looking over at her best friend beside her. "I know you think he's the shit, and he might be, but a man is still a man. So have sex with him all you want, but I really think you should consider going on the pill if you're gonna pull a long haul with Mr.Motorcycle—"

"You think I should get on birth control?" Her question comes off louder than she anticipated, earning extra stares from surrounding peers, and she quickly cowers into herself as Alice waves them all off. "That seems a little intense—"

"Honestly, I don't know how your Dad hasn't made you get on it, being a doctor and all." Alice shrugs, "I go to a woman for mine, she's super cool and makes the whole thing less weird. I can help you set up an appointment, if you want?"

"Sure, I guess . . ." She mumbles with uncertainty, unsure of what the pill even did or what it was truly made for. She supposes a seminar on sex and everything about it would be good for her, but the more she's listened to this woman, the more she understands they they don't promote a healthy sex life, but a nonexistent one at that. "What's her name?"

"Formally, she's Dr.Rayburn, but she likes to be called Mary. She's cool, way cooler than this old hag." Alice tells her while nodding her head towards the woman lecturing them, "Also, imagine Harry's face when you tell him he doesn't have to use a condom anymore." Her cheeks heat at Alice's words, and they both quietly giggle, knowing he might lose it a little bit.

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