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Coldness lurks within the whole atmosphere of the room despite the balmy climate that was bestowed outside. A limp figure laid limp within, immersing himself in the calamitous thoughts running in the abysmal of his mind. It was killing him, he described everything rather surreal. He merely wanted to end the pain that continues to trickle. His charcoal eyes held hopelessness, a part of him had gone missing, rather entered the heaven. He was forced to accept the shocking news that his beloved wife had departed and that he was now left alone without her warmth surrounding him and offering him brimming joy.

He had always been enamored with her. She provides him with a sliver of rationality in the world sifted through brutality. Nonetheless, the haven he believed he'd be able to retain was tragically eradicated from him. And in an attempt to forget, he constructed denial; the illusion that just added to the vacuum of knowing she'd never be the same around him again.

His pair of charcoal hues stared skyward at the unfamiliar ceiling; he was conscious that they had made an attempt to save him, but this effort had only added to his anguish. He was all alone. Her presence was completely gone. What is the point of continuing to live if there is no longer a cause to do so? When he was nothing more than a lone, poisoned puppet, a hollow shell to be told.

His body was hurting, festooned with marks showing the accident plotted, wherein he thought would be the perfect scheme to end his life with his wife in his arms, however, it was proven to be futile.

His mind was occupied by her, only her. Tears sprang from his eyes, brimming and flooding his cheeks, dampening his lashes and the sheet. His lips that formed a grim line contorted agape and curled upward. His hands filled with burn marks rake across his hair, entwining and pulling it relentlessly; he burst into hysterical laughter, drowning the whimper his throat has emitted.

"That's right...I remember now..." Manjiro uttered loudly while having laughter torching the room that highlights dullness. A peal of laughter so monotonous that it could describe the shallow of insanity lurking.

She's now in peace-❞ He chokes painfully given the knot that formed in his throat. Beads swelled from the corner of his eyes furthermore.❝...without me.❞

𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐀  Manjiro SanoWhere stories live. Discover now