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Love y'all❤️‍🩹

Seriously....LOOK AT OUR VEIWS!


I run upstairs to the room and i see the door cracked...i knocked on it and went in to see Kendra on the game...she looked sad or mad...idk..but her expressions showed a little bit of both

Tony: Hey!

Kendra: Yeah?

Tony: What's the issue?

Kendra: Cmon now...that's almost like going to A&W and asking if they have root beer

Tony: I know she already told me but-

Kendra: Told wasn't just you she told

Tony: Cmon bruh....i know your blood is boiling...Just get it out

Kendra: Idk...I just can't get over the fact that she was trying to get with him...and now he probably wants her but IM with her...shes MINE! And he looks like the type to never get away until he wins her over

Tony: Yeah. But he won't, i promise...she loves you too much

Kendra: Yeah...Where is she?

Tony: Downstairs...but wait

Kendra: Yeah?

Tony: Don't ever, EVER, think about yelling at her again ok?

Kendra: Yeah, sorry about that

Tony: Ight... let's go downstairs

(we made our way downstairs and we saw Y/n eating while Mike and Derek where pissing the fuck outta Kobe while Jaiden was trying to calm Kobe down and i'm guessing Angel went in his trouble maker got away from the toxitity)

Mike: Nah he need to back the fuck up...before i rage on his ass

Tony: Calm down bruh...

Derek: I'm going to my room...fuck this

Tony: Why the hell does kobe look like he just murdered 10 people?

Jaiden: Because he's pissed..

Tony: Explain why Kobe

Kobe: Nahh

(he then starts smiling...thats how you know he's really mad)

Tony: Just say it bruh

Kobe: Since you wanna know so's technically Y/n fault because SHE decided to-

Kendra: To what? Don't put MY baby into ANYTHING! He asked you why you were mad, not what bae did

Kobe: She's part of the reason i'm alec

Kendra: Baby, go to the room

Y/n: What?..No

Kendra: Please...

Kobe: Why she need to go to the room for?

Kendra: Because it's getting heated and unlike you, i don't want her to stress over what i'm about to say

Kobe: lucky you a female

Kendra: I know right, men are dogs

Y/n: Baby...calm down

Kobe: I'm leaving...Bye

Y/n: Bye...

Jaiden: Ig i'll head out too so he won't do anything dumb

Big Brothers❤️ || 𝘈 𝘬𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘦𝘻𝘰 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒Where stories live. Discover now