Think about It

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There's a loud noise outside
A chill fills the room
Your breathing is slow
You're on your phone
Reading in the dark
Watching YouTube by yourself
You're safe you think
But the noise happens again
It's not a critter
Maybe a serial killer
But that only happens in the movies
Can't happen to me
Least that's what I think
By myself
God I wish someone was with me
Where's a meat shield when you need one
But you're alone
All alone
You're always alone
Inside of your home
Alone even when with friends
You smile
But you dont really mean it
What is a smile anyways
What was happening again?
Another crash occurs
This time the sound of shattering glass
The burglar
The rapist
The murder
The monster
Maybe ghost
Hoping raccoon
Very angry raccoon
No rabies please.
Should I hide?
Should I go check?
What would get me killed faster
What would make me live longer
I wanna live
But is living worth it?
Why am I still sitting here?
Anyone save me
I can't save myself.
Get up
Get UP
I think to myself
But my body won't move
A meow fills the dark room
Do I turn it on?
My phone has one
Is it safer to know?
The dark is scary
But I can hide
Why don't I hide?
They won't find me if I hide
The light
It'll give me away
To dangerous
My cat!?
Need to save my cat
Is my cat worth dying for?
Would that make me a bad person if I let the cat die?
How much am I worth?
How much is the cat worth?
If things were switched Mr. Nuzzles wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me.
Cat's are cold killers
Be a cat
A light shines in my face
The world goes white
My hands cover my eyes
I want it dark
Too bright
White light means I'm dead
I'm dead I know it
They found me
Gonna rape me
Or kill me
Or hurt me
Rob me
Why me?
Why me out of everyone?
Why not me?
I'm just a number
A statistic
I could win the lottery
Or I can get
Murdered raped robbed
It can happen to anyone
And I died overthinking holding my phone.
There's a light in my face
The figure holding it
Looks so big
Breathing hard
Holding the flash light over me
Looking down at me
But I can't see
Too much light
I'm an idiot
Just sitting here
Waiting to die
I wanna live
I wanna...
That's it
I'm gone
Life is light light so fleeting trying to last forever when the darkness.
The darkness always comes
And you'll die
I'll die
We all die
So I died today

Or at least I made you think I did
Or think about it.

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