"Riyaz Aly."

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"I'm Siddharth Nigam, her husband."

Riyaz froze for a moment, he needed time to react and also - to accept that.

"Riyaz Aly." He smiled a little as he shook his hands with Siddharth.

"You seem so shock finding out that she is married. What, you didn't tell him?" He turned his head to her.

She looked even more confused than anyone. Seeing a fake smile drawn on his lips, that was when she finally realised, that he was acting to make fun of her infront of Riyaz.

"What now honey? Are you telling me that you don't like me anymore and would like to find another man?" Siddharth purposely made a sad face by frowning.

"I'm sure it's not like tha---"

"Hun. I know that you really hate me. But meeting up with another man without me.. it hurts."

Riyaz was about to interrupt seeing the situation getting more intense but Siddharth didn't give him a chance to do so.

Her heart was beating faster than usual, ears turned red and hot as she felt so embarrassed infront of Riyaz. He looked obviously awkward because of what Siddharth said.

"It's not like t---"

Before she could explain anything, the elevator had stopped at the 5th level.

"I don't know what's going on between you two but I swear that I have nothing to do with her. You don't have to worry. Sorry to make trouble." Riyaz said and stepped out, leaving the two of them alone.

"Haha! That was funny. Did you see his shocked face just now. He really thought that you--- Hey!"

Before the door get closed, she forced the door to open for her to get through and ran away.

"What the heck is wrong with her?" Siddharth rolled his eyes but then realised that his joke just now was a little bit too much.

However, he had no intention to apologise to her. Not even a bit.


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I know this is a small chapter, but previous chapter goals aren't even completed yet. So yeah, that's why small chapter.

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