12 weeks

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Cooper: Okay. This is gonna be awesome.

Charlotte: You've seen plenty of ultrasound.

Cooper: Not when they're our kids and not when they're the size of plums.

Addison: Oh, come on, Charlotte. You know you're excited.

Charlotte: All ultrasounds look the same. They're like the sketches of "America's Most Wanted". You can't identify someone from those.

Addison: All right. There they are. There's baby one, baby two...

Cooper: Oh, you see it, right? Those are clearly our kids. She has no idea what she's talking about.

Cooper: Hi, kids. I made you.

Charlotte: This means I can't go to the urology conference in Spain in October. We're not gonna be able to go to Hawaii for Christmas.

Addison: Oh, come on, Charlotte. You're pregnant. You're not terminally ill.

Charlotte: I'm gonna be a double-wide with feet.

Cooper: More of you to love.

Addison: Look, all three look great.

Charlotte: You said with triplets, one of 'em might not make it.

Addison: No, what I said was that with multiples, there's a 53% chance of spontaneous reduction, but since that usually happens in the first trimester, you are almost in the clear.

Charlotte: Yay for me.

Addison: Look, there are inherent risks with carrying triplets to term. We should go back to my office and talk about it.

Charlotte: I have to get back to the hospital.

Cooper: No, what you need to do is hire a new E.R. doc and focus on the plums.

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