11. Home Visit

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I looked up from my phone to find Rowan stepping out of his dorm room, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder and beanie tugged over his head. I couldn't help it. My eyes dropped down, glancing over his outfit. He'd forgone his usual slacks and fitted shirts for a much more casual look – sweatpants and a hoodie.

I swallowed and Rowan lifted a brow at me.

"Something wrong with my outfit?"

"No," I said quickly, shaking my head. "No. It's – uh – perfect road trip attire."

His lips twitched and I scowled, turning and leading the way to my car, my eyes glued on my phone. Rowan chuckled, jogging to catch up.

"Who are you texting?" he asked.

"Friends," I replied. I shoved the glass doors open, stepping out into the cold wind of the parking lot.

"See you in a few hours?" Rowan read over my shoulder. I twisted, realising how close our faces were, and staggering back.

"Jesus, dude! Have you ever heard of privacy?"

"I didn't realise I'd signed up for a party," he said, ignoring the glare I was sending him.

"Are you going to annoy me the entire car ride?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm still thinking about it."

"Don't forget who's in charge here," I said, swinging my car keys around a finger.

Rowan snorted. "Are you suggesting that it's you?"

"Not suggesting. Telling," I replied. We reached my car and I unlocked it, throwing my bags into the backseat. Rowan followed suit, pausing before getting into the passenger's side and throwing me a smug look over the roof of the car.

"Well then," he said, lifting a brow. "Tell me all about it."

He slid into the car and I rolled my eyes. He had a penchant for getting on my nerves. By the time I was seated in the driver's seat with my seatbelt strapped over my chest, his smirk had faded into his usual deadpan and he'd pulled a book out of nowhere.

I raised a brow at him. "You couldn't go a day without reading?"

"Hey, I'm stuck with you for company for the next three hours. I need something to keep me entertained."

"And that just had to be –" I glanced at the book cover and snorted – "Great Expectations?"

"Ironic, isn't it? Considering how I expect the rest of the day to go."

"Feel free to change your mind," I replied, tapping the steering wheel. "I'll wait."

He ignored me, continuing to read, and I smirked, turning my keys in the ignition.


The car ride was uneventful.

Rowan, the absolute nerd he was, decided to spend the entire three hours reading. He wouldn't even let me play music because it distracted him from the literary genius of whatever the hell he was reading.

I scowled the whole time, wondering why I decided to invite such a joy kill to Thanksgiving.

It wasn't until we arrived that I remembered.

"Sebastian!" my father exclaimed as the door was pulled open. Over his shoulder, heads snapped towards us and my heart instantly sank.

Almost all of my siblings, had made it. Clara, Tanner and Mike sat on the couch, their partners beside them. My mom sat with them, doing a double take as Rowan emerged beside me. I didn't miss the strange looks they were all sending each other.

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