Kill 1-5 Part 1

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The smell of smoke thickens. The youngest child, Susie awakes seeing the smoke, she screams for help. Her father, still drunk and half asleep yells at her to shut up.
"But Daddy, there's smoke!!" The girl yells.
"Shut the fuck up Susie, nobody cares what the fuck you have to say!!" He yells back at her.
Susie climbs out of her bed and runs into the bedroom across from hers. Her older brother is just sitting there on his bed vaping.
"Dave, the house is on fire!!" She yells at her brother.
"Ha, I know. We're all going to hell," Dave says.
Susie tries to run downstairs to get out of the house. She trips over an empty vodka bottle left on the stairs. She tumbles down the stairs, landing with a crack of a bone.
Susie's dog, Lily, curls up next to Susie's limp body. Lily tries licking Susie's face. Even though Lily's a dog, she knows Susie's dead. Lily breathes out a sorrow-filled howl before having an asthma attack. Lily hyperventilates and coughs, only able to breathe in smoke. As Lily's lungs give out, sirens are off in the distance.

The fire had raged for at least an hour before a firetruck shows up, and another hour to put the fire out.
When arsonist investigator, Professor James Nilp, turns on his chest camera, he walks up to the house that was once on fire, he starts by looking at the front door.
Oddly, the front door was unlocked, no sign of forced entry either.
As Professor James tries opening the door, it doesn't budge, as if something was blocking the door.
After a few minutes, James manages to open the door wide enough to get in, he finds a dead body of a small child with an old Labrador lying next to the child blocking the door. He shakes his head, in disappointment, he'd see plenty of burned bodies, never one this young.
He clicks a button on his radio, "so far, two deceased bodies, one of a small child and the other a dog. Be careful, they're right behind the door. I will move on through the house," once he finishes speaking he clicks the button again.
A voice comes over the radio "Copy that."

James checks the rest of the bottom level of the house, no bodies, but definitely signs of fire accelerate.
He looks at the stairs, too badly damaged by the fire to use.
After about ten minutes, James is able to climb through a window on the second level using a ladder.
Stepping into a bedroom, there is very slight fire damage.
James walks over to the walls and touches the wallpaper.  Pressing his nose against the wall, "What is this..." No scent... something to get a sample of later.
James walks out of the already opened door into the hallway. The room across from James is open, another body. Clicking his radio, "I've discovered another deceased, looks to be a teen or young adult male. Across from the first bedroom."
Two more rooms to check.
One room is an empty burned-up bathroom.
The last, was a locked door. James takes his phone out to take a picture of the door. Sliding his phone back into his pocket, then pushing against the door. Instead of it opening, the door falls to the floor.
"Two adults in the last room, too badly burned to identify the sex"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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