The rest of chapter 1

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Shit I was going to meet Slender at 10:00 PM. Shit..... I thought. I get up and headed to his office. I knocked on the door softly. "CoMe In mY cHiLd" his raspy voice answered. I opened the door slowly. I slightly smiled and said "h-hehe sorry i am late..." , "ItS OkEy, AcTuALlY SoMeThInG cAmE Up......... hOoDiE HaS BeEn GoNe OvER NighT, WiThOuT cAlLInG ME OR AnYThINg. AnD IaM KiNdA woRyeD. ALso HaVE YoU hErEd aNyThInG FrOM HiM?" I anwered no, then I asked if I could go looking for him, Slender agreed. So i made my way outside. It was peaceful outside, but it was hard to enjoy with Hoodie missing. I thought of going to his hideout but i din't know where it was so i called Slender he came and then said "YeS My cHiLeD"  then i asked where it, was he told me where to go so i went and he left. I got to the hideout. It looked like a abandoned house but it was in good shape tho. The door was unlocked so i went in. I walked around a bit. Then i sall Hoodie crouching. " WTF?! how did you get in??" , i answered "the door was unlocked..." , "well how long have you been here?" Hoodie asked, " Not even 5 minuits " i replied. Hoodie paused and then said "then someone else is here...." 

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