I. Situationship

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tw/ domestic violence

Cleo Pov

I was walking with my mother and aunt to the Hogwarts Express as they was telling me to stay out of trouble, stay away from the negativity and don't get into fights. I never do. But they should be telling that to Blaise, that boy is always in fights. It fun to watch but it like do they ever get tired of fighting. Anways, I got on the train after telling them bye walking to where Harry was at. "Hey Harry, I'm guessing the others ain't get here yet?" I asked as I sit down across from him. He looks at me before saying, "Nope, haven't seen them yet, Ron said they went to go pick up Luna, Cho and Hermione." I nod my head before leaning it on the window thinking before turning to Harry excitedly asking. "How was your summer? Ron texted me saying you and Ginny are finally dating." I saw the way Harry smiled as he started talking about how happy he was to be dating her and how his summer went. I love it when my friends are happy, I just got to Ron and Hermione together cause those two idiots are blind if they don't see how they are perfect for each other. "I already know how your summer went, you went to Paris, but how are you and Cormac doing." I been dreading that question from literally anyone. Cormac is fucking controlling, if it not one thing, it something else. He always thinks I'm cheating on him with the boys. I mean if I was it would be nice. I don't think I will last long this year while dating him. It like he got eyes everywhere, I can hug Ron or give the the Weasley Twins a kiss on the cheek and here he come dragging my ass away from them just to scream at me. I know the question yall wondering. "Why you still with him?" Trust me I don't know either. I'm definitely breaking up with him. I got to do it in front of a crowd so if my ass go missing, they know who did it. I cut my thoughts off, cutting my focus back to Harry. "We is doing just fine. Thanks for asking." I say as I look out the window finally seeing the others as they rushed to get aboard the train. When they finally reached us, I jumped up and hugged my girls having mot seeing them all summer, facetiming them don't count.
"My bad bitches are here. I missed you girls so much." I squeeze them tighter before turning to hug Ron. "Missed you too Ron." I turned back to the girls smiling saying to them, "Let go, we got to catch up with girl talk." Hermione laughs as she grabs Luna hand as she grabs Cho hand, I grabbed Hermione hand before we bring them together kissing our each other hands. It a tradition we do that no matter what we always be the best of friends. We all let go and started to head to where our other train compartment is at.

We stopped at a door taking a deep breath. The compartment we got to pass just to get to ours holds all of 6th and 7th year Slytherins mainly my cousin and his friends. I can say that, I was intimidated by one of them and that is the the Slytherin King himself Draco Malfoy. He hot like really fucking hot, the make you drop your thongs hot. But I never go for him, the nigga stick his dick into any bitch that bats her eyelashes at him. Couldn't be me or my girls. I slid open the door feeling all eyes on us as we thru. Before we could even make the other door slid open and here come the fucking devil himself, Cormac, I squeeze Hermione hand before telling her to back up. "Back it up, I don't want to deal with him." I look at Cormac seeing the look on his face. Of course this fool is mad, I'm telling yall this fool got someone on me. I turned around quickly before feeling myself get pulled back. "Let me go Cormac. We can talk about whatever you is mad about." I tried to plead with him. But he didn't want to hear it. He started to yell at me while his grip was getting tighter on my wrist. "Fuck that, you always hugging Ron and Harry, like what the fuck is going on between yall three? Is you cheating on me with them, is that it. I'm guessing I haven't made it clear enough, I don't like you hanging out with them, let alone touching them. Stay away from them." He let my hand go pushing me back. I turned to my left seeing a glass bottle grabbing it. "You know what, fuck this shit." I swung the glass bottle at his head busting his nose and lip at the process. "Fuck you Cormac, You is such a controlling piece of shit, you worrying about me cheating, you should be worrying about what hoe you got pregnant this summer or how you laid your hands on me last year. Oh you so lucky I won't kill your ass. But you know who about to beat that ass of yours though?" I backed up and gave Blaise his knuckle duster. "You must've forgot what Blaise told you when we first started dating right. I let him tell you while he beating your ass." I told him as I kicked his side hard hearing a crack.

I push the girls lightly back out closing the door quickly as I sit down in the booth taking deep breaths to calm down. I felt Luna bring me into her embrace as that had really started to make me calm. I didn't realize I was crying until the girls was hugging me. I wasn't a bad person, I was the first person to help anyone with everything. They can call me crying and I be at their side in a instant. There ain't nothing I would do to protect my friends and family. So why would he treat me badly if I gave him my heart?

Blaise Pov
I saw the way my cousin eyes flashed in fear, it wasn't that type of fear you see someone you love get hurt, it that fear you see in someone eye that getting abused. I didn't tolerate his ass yelling at my cousin, nor when he grabbed her wrist. Now what I didn't expect was for her to hit his ass with the bottle we had. On the inside I was jumping and screaming proud of her to hit his ass. But I was livid that he had the nerve to laid his hands on her and cheat. She threw me my knuckle duster and left. I stood up taking off of my gold chain and jacket passing them to Theo. "Pull me off when we think he had enough hits." I slid my knuckles on and watch as he got up before slamming my fist into his jaw. He fell to floor as I got over him repeating hitting his ass. "I. Told. Your. Bitch. Ass. Not. To. Lay. Your. Hands. On. My. Mother. Fucking. Cousin." I spit on him as I got pulled off of him. "Anymore hits in, he be dead." Draco says as he handed me my stuff back. I pull my knuckles off putting them in my pocket as I put my stuff back on. Draco had someone pushed Cormac bitch ass into a closet and cleaned up the blood spot. He handed me a already lit blunt smirking, merlin he know me so well. I took the blunt hitting it as I passed it to Pansy. We always smoke after one of us or all of us get into a fight. A perfect ass tradition.

No one pov

After they all got to Hogwarts and all settle in their dorms. Cleo left the Gryffindor common room running with Hermione. Both girls laughing loudly, Cleo saw the twins talking to The Elites, she finally felt free to do whatever she want. "Keep up Cleo, we can't let them take these back." Hermione laughs out. Both girls took the boys wands and phones and quickly took off. They decided to split up Hermione going to the library and Cleo going near the twins. She stops beside them putting Ron phone in Fred pocket and his wand in George pocket. They all looked at her with questioning looks. "Me and Hermione took the boys stuff, now if you excuse me, I got to go hide." She took off running to one of the the empty classroom running into the side of the door. She yells out holding her side. "Fuckity fuck that hurt!" Cleo decided to hid into a cabinet board before feeling something brush against her leg. She grabs her phone seeing a rat before falling out of the cabinet. "Fuck that." She quickly left the room going back to the twins. "If Ron ask where I at, tell him I'm with Lavender seeing that he can't break up with her." The twins laughed as they hugged her. "Damn, you still trying to get them to break up." Fred said as he passed a small pack of pills to Blaise. "The bitch is clingy, I love Ron but he a idiot. Anyways, Thank you Blaise for dealing with Cormac, I owe you big time. And yall don't get caught with those. I can't keep oblivating people." She says as she turns away walking back to the common room. "I'm going to cash in that favor tomorrow!!" Blaise yells out to Cleo seeing her stick her middle finger up laughing. Those two have the best relationship ever. They the only two cousins that can get along with each. Cleo made it back to her room and got ready for bed before falling asleep quickly.

I know this is kinda bad but it been a while since I wrote. So imma get back in the writing game. Stay tuned and vote. Love yall💚💚. Xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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