07 ━ itzy when you study with them

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• friends who study together
• if you were already dating, definitely the type to say if you get this correct, i'll give you a kiss
• ends up cuddled against you like halfway through as she reads her notes out loud
• makes important notes on your pages that stand out so it'll be more noticeable and you'd remember it easier
• "look, y/n, i made this note here on the side of the page for you. it was part of what you've been struggling with, so i hope this helps."
• does practice papers with you, and by the end of the study session she'll suggest ordering something to eat

• studying together bc she was assigned to be your tutor
• she'd make you flash cards so it would be easier for you to remembering, and she thought it would save time, but jisu also just wanted to do something nice for you
• keeps you focused !!
• "y/n, this counts at least 70% of your grade, can we please continue? there's not much left to go over and you've been doing so great so far."
• would message you the morning you're writing the paper, the message saying goodluck for today! you've studied so hard, i'm so proud of you. i know you'll ace this exam <3
so completely different to when she studies on her own, its as if you help her procrastinate less (we all know that one time lia was studying english, and she barely did anything fhfhfdsd)

• her whole demeanor changes, she goes from playful to serious in a split second
• although ryujin still manages to make jokes here and there when you begin to study verbally
• compares her notes with yours, both of you making changes when you have something she doesn't, or when she has something you don't
• motives you so much
• "come on, y/n! don't give up now, jagi. just one more section of work to get through and we're done, okay?"
• when you're done studying, she'll suggest a way of relaxing just to let loose and have a little fun, she knows you've been working hard and ryujin doesn't want you to feel overwhelmed

• lets you borrow her notes bc you find them so neat and fascinating and it's just so much better that your own
• bc of her letting you use her notes, she would test you
• gives you the most precious smile ever when you get the answer right
• would either make food or get store bought snacks, she'll always be reminding you to never study on an empty stomach
• "i got us some food, jagiya! lets eat then we'll be refreshed to go on to the next topic."
• honestly studying with her is the only time chaeryeong doesn't completely space out lmfaooo

• suggested you study together bc she had a crush on you, and ryujin told her it would be a good way to get close to you
• finds it hard to focus, she'd just want to look at you all day and admire your features
• eventually, she brings her focus back to her notes, trying her hardest to keep concentrated on what was most important
• idk why skgsrco i feel like halfway through yuna would stop making notes and doodle hearts instead
• by the end of your study session, she suggests studying together again as a way to spend more time with you
• "okay, i think we've done enough, yes? let's continue another day. thank for agreeing to this, y/n."

i hope you enjoyed & thank you for requesting <33 also question, what are some studying tips you guys have?

little update before i log out again x

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