Chapter 1

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Seokjin balled and un-balled his fists, scratching at the seams of his handmade trousers. His mom made them for him for this occasion specifically and would be very upset if she found out he had rubbed them raw, the material already thin as it was. He took a deep breath and stilled his hands only for his left leg to begin bouncing just as anxiously. His anxiety was through the roof as it is but knowing he was about to meet a complete stranger who would basically own him, had him almost hyperventilating. He hoped to whatever was out there that they would take mercy on him and that this stranger nice. He didn't know what he would do if he had to go from one bad environment to another. He only had an hour left before the plane landed in a country he's only seen on TV and with every passing minute, the knot in his stomach tightened just a little bit more.

Seokjin has never been this anxious in his life, but who wouldn't be when you're about to see the man who ordered you online?

The thought made him queasy seeing as he knew he was going to be a mail-ordered husband. It wasn't even the thought of being ordered that made him uneasy. He had always figured it would be with a woman, not a man. It wasn't as if Seokjin hated gays but he was raised a certain way. If anything, Seokjin envied Americans for their freedom. Gays were scarce where he was from, not that they didn't exist where he lived but that they hid themselves so well. If they were found out the public humiliation and prejudice would force them back into hiding. Employers could deny them, churches would shun them, and there was always the chance of getting beat if caught by the drunks late at night. Witnessing this only reinstated Seokjin's idea that men and women were meant to marry, not man and man or woman and woman. His father never made a clear comment to him when he was young about the issues but Seokjin knew not to bring it up. His uncle would be the only one to grumble when he was used as his mom's mannequin for the dresses she would make. Seokjin's father accepted it without saying much considering Mama's dresses brought in extra money each week that they desperately needed. It was his uncle that would voice his displeasure constantly.

Mama, on the other hand, didn't mind much considering Seokjin wouldn't even be on this plane headed to a foreign country to marry a man if it wasn't for her insistence. She seemed perfectly fine with seeing him off at the airport to marry a stranger that had the same genitalia. Not much was said except that she wished his marriage would be a good one and that he called or sent letters whenever he could if his future husband permitted. Of course, this stranger did pay way over Seokjin's original negotiated price, leaving his family well taken care of while he was gone. That is if his uncle didn't get ahold of the money first.

The memory of his mother tightened something in his chest. He hoped she made it back home safe, he hoped Bin Hyun was passed out somewhere and let her be. Kim Jeno was a hardworking woman who didn't deserve the kind of life she got, she had sacrificed so much for Seokjin and his baby sister, and by the stars, he would repay her. Seokjin knew the man he was sent to marry was wealthy, hell, he bought Seokjin's wager fee plus some, so yes, this man was very loaded in Seokjin's eyes. Jin was hoping he could persuade him to help him get his mother and sister over to the States before Bin decides to sell his sister off as well, only this time it wouldn't be to a mail-order facility but for prostitution.

He needed to get to know this stranger, find out his wants and needs in order to be the perfect husband. After he's wrapped around Seokjin's finger, there'd be no issue convincing him to send for his mother and sister.

Seokjin hated the thought of using a stranger but this stranger was about to be his husband, and who knows what he could be like? He didn't even have a picture for his profile and the agency Seokjin was with had a terrible internet connection so he couldn't go off of the pixelated image of him when he tried to search for him online. All he knew was that he owned many companies but not much was said about him. He didn't care if the man was ugly, he just wanted to know if he would be as cruel as Bin Hyun. Or much worse. Seokjin knew you shouldn't judge someone based on looks but sometimes seeing the cruelty in one's eyes was enough to say to hell with that statement. Going from one abusive home to another would honestly break him.

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