Chapter 1 It Started At McDonald's

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Hi! I guess I should introduce myself well my name is Catelin Jones I'm 18 and I guess this will be the story of my life pretty much.... Better get started!

Well finals were just around the corner and I had just pulled an all nighter to study for the history portion of my test and I went to Micky D's for a quick breakfast before heading off to school. When I saw him he looked gorgeous with his bed hair all shaggy and so much more natural, the way he rubbed his soft brown eyes it being only 6am, and his slouchy stance in his sweatshirt and semi fitting jeans. That's when I knew it oh wow I think I'm in love I thought blinking as my order was called and I snapped back into reality. As I went up to grab my food our eyes met and I quickly looked away. When I stuck a glance back at him I saw that he was smiling at me and I smiled back. I brushed my mess of hair with my fingers to help fix it I must look like hell I thought. Is he walking up to me?!? I panicked slightly and felt my heart rate quicken "hey I think I've seen you around school before what's your name again" he said casually he goes to school with me oh no! "yeah I'm Catelin but people call me Cat... What's your name?" arg my voice is shaking I hope he doesn't notice. He chuckled "I'm Kyle" he stuck out his hand "nice to meet you Cat". I shook his hand feeling a slight heat come to my cheeks "nice to meet you Kyle" I said finally being able to get my voice under control. "hey you want to go to school together I can drive us" I could feel my heart beating through my chest it felt as if it was going to break out of my chest. "yeah sure" I said trying to act casual. He's smiling he must like me! But I better not get my hopes up a guy like him probably already had a girlfriend ... I saddened myself thinking a little but I tried to keep my hopes up. The car ride to school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be we talked and laughed I would even say we're friends now.

Why do they make these tests so hard?!? Oh no there are only five minutes left and I still have ten more questions! I was close to panic at this point... And there's the bell I got up and turned in my packet heavy hearted and as I walked out of class it now being the end of the day and everyone shuffling through the halls I ended up bumping into someone and when I looked at it was Kyle. I could feel my cheeks redden in embarrassment "I'm so sorry" I quickly apologized. "hey don't worry about it" he said coolly with a slight smile. I could feel my cheeks redden even more "hey you alright?" he asked I stuttered before being able to say "yeah I'm great actually" he smiled as the final bell rang and we were separated due to the wave of students.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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