🥀Chapter Four🥀

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"Nice to meet you vanessa, I'm Akilah and I will show you around and get you sorted for your first day, follow me".

She was beyond beautiful. Her dark, smooth chocolate skin and her shiny black hair. She could pass for a model because of her slim figure or a spokesperson because her voice was laced with confidence.

I followed her behind the counter and into the kitchen area. I didn't know exactly what would be my job so I dressed casually in dark coloured clothes. There was a guy with a beard at the stove area that looked like the head chef, a girl and two other guys who seem a few years younger than me.

"This is Cajito, he was a Italian chef in the past, we have Camille and these are Erin and Nolan".

" hello", I said as they waved with a smile. Well not the chef ; he looked at me very seriously before turning and going back to his job.

"Don't mind him, he's like that most times", Akelia whispered in my ear as I nod.

"Guys vanessa will be working with us from now on, make sure you treat her as a member of this restaurant, she's family now".

Upon hearing that I felt a wave of emotion washed over me. Family?. That was one thing I never had.

"Welcome vanessa", Camille said offering me a hug which I accepted awkwardly. I wasn't used to hugging people and not planning to get use to it.

"Don't worry, as long as you do your job well, we'll get along just fine", Nolan said with a wink.

"Well that's settled, follow me".

I followed her to a small room at the back of the kitchen and she handed me a black apron. I put it on before catching my hair to the back.

"You'll work as a waitress, Frey is also a waitress but she isn't here as yet. My word of advice, don't tell her much and keep to yourself - she's a gossiper".

I smiled slightly whilst nodding. I hate the idea of even gossiping. That's why most people die. If someone tells you something very confidential, keep it to yourself, the whole world doesn't have to know.

After a few more minutes of talking to her I went to the front area to see to the customers but there was only one man sitting reading a newspaper. I approached him with a small smile.

"Hello, what can I get you?"

He looked at me and smiled widely before laying his newspaper on the table.

"Hello, are you new?. What's your name?"

"Vanessa and yes I'm new", I replied starting to feel a bit irritated.

"Ok, nice to meet you. I'll have a coffee and a tuna sandwich with lots of veggies".

I went back to the counter and took up a small book and after writing it down I pinned it on the order section.

Business was seriously slow here. After all it was a small place, but it definitely needs something to earn more customers. The bell rang signalling that someone had entered and I noticed it was the guy I saw yesterday. The one who held my hand.

When his eyes landed me he released a wide smirk but my face stayed stern. I wasn't interested in him or will ever be. Right now, there was more to life for me now than ending up in a relationship that's probably not gonna last because men can never be trusted. And the only one I did trust, died.

"Well hello gorgeous, nice to see you again. My name is -

"I don't care", I said instantly before moving to the left of the counter away from him.

"My name is Reid and I have to say, you're quite beautiful. Are you by any chance single?"

This guy was seriously flirting with me and he wasn't planning to quit. I heard the bell and went to collect the tray with the man's coffee and sandwich. I carried it to him knowing full well that Reid has his eyes all over my body.

"Thank you".

Before I could go back behind the counter, he had suddenly pulled me and crashed my body against his. His arms went around my waist and before I could pull away I felt his lips on my neck.

"Stop!", I shouted stepping on his foot the hardest I could in which he groaned and loosen his grip on me.

"I don't know who you think you are but never do that! Am not interested in you or ever will be and next time you try that, it won't be your foot that will get hurt".

His face turned stone cold but I could care less. I turned and noticed the boss standing there with his arms crossed looking somewhat amused.

However, he only walked passed and went to his office. I also notice a few customers coming in so I took out my pen. Reid walked out the same time the boss passed me. There was something about him - and not the fact that he seemed obsessed me with me. No, it was something more and it urged me to stay very far away from him.


"Bye guys, I'll see you in the morning", Akelia said as we all waved goodbye to one another.

I stayed longer than my time so it was night. I started walking holding my jacket close to me. The streets were still busy so hopefully I get a cab before the city dies down.


I looked behind me and saw the same guy Reid in a car following me. I groaned out loud and continued to walk faster. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?!.

"Hey, need a ride. I just wanna apologize for what I did"

I kept my head straight completely ignoring him and continued walking. The sooner he realizes that I wasn't interested in him, the better.


I stopped in my tracks and looked to my right. I sighed in relief when I saw Devin coming from a small shop with a brown paper bag in his hand.

"Hey, how was work?", he asked as I looked behind me but he was no longer there.

"It was fine", I replied as I followed him to his car. I got in and took off my shoes moving my toes all about. As he drove off , I rest my head back and closed my eyes.

"You seem mighty exhausted, nothing a nice warm bath can't cure".

I smiled at the thought of being submerged in a warm bath just steaming. I think after today I might need a warm bath every day after work.

"So how was your boss? Was he mean and aggressive? Or was he one of those jolly men who loves to laugh?", Devin asked with a little chuckle at the end.

"I only saw him once today before he went to his office and that was when I got harassed", I replied seriously remembering what that reid guy did.

"You got harassed, on your first day - by whom?"

" A guy named Reid. He just won't leave me alone. He's mighty obsessed with me and he doesn't understand what ',not interested' means".

"Perhaps he really likes you, or maybe he has some mental issues"

"No, he seemed pretty sane to me. He gives off this bad vibe that makes me wanna stay far away from him".

Very far.


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