Chapter 34: Worst Fears Come True

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Song: Bastille - Bad Blood (F*U*G*Z Remix)

3rd POV

He woke up happy as ever and he didn't know why. Well, it could be because of his lover.

He doesn't even have to try to make him the happiest person ever. He would be alone and he would light up his world, just the thought of him. He didn't intend to for this, but he loves him so much. He did fall from the sky, he did fall from the tree, but the best way he ever fell was in love with him. He's not the only guy in the universe, but he's the only thing that matters. He didn't even care about how many lips he kissed, how many shoulders he embraced and how many times he said, 'I love you.' All he cared about was being his last.

They both were like puzzle pieces, they fit perfectly.

They forgot about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him. And he was about to miss his chance if it wasn't for him making the first move a long time ago.

He was getting ready, it was Saturday and he wanted to spend it with his beloved and friends. Last night was a disaster, he couldn't stop thinking 'what's next?'

What's next that could possibly ruin him?

He didn't think about it too much, he just kept his mind on today.

His friends always made him feel better. They made him forget about life for awhile and just be in a different world. A world where he belongs. If he found in himself desires which nothing in the world he lived in can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that he was made for another world. And his friends gave him that world.

 His phone went off with his favorite ring tone. He walked over to his nightstand and looked at it. It was a text message from the one and only squeaker friend.

Lui Calibre: Dude! Hurry up, we're outside. He need to go by your boyfriends house and pick him up.

He didn't even bother replying back. He just threw on his jacket and ran outside, the first thing he noticed was Tyler's car in his driveway.

Everyone was there, everyone but one person.

 They all texted and called him, telling him they were on their way but he didn't respond at all. It wasn't like him, he would always reply.

"Maybe he's just sleeping in, you know how Mr Popstar can be." Tyler said with a hopeful smile.

"But he hardly sleeps in, Ty." Craig said, with a worried face who was sitting in the passengers seat.

"Mini, I know him, alright? He might just be sleeping in. Don't worry. His lover over there can go get him." He said pointing to the back seat to where the rest of the guys were.

Craig sighed in defeat, he believed Tyler that was right. Their friend was just sleeping, it was nothing.

 Once Tyler rolled up in the driveway, he got out along with the insane boyfriend. Tyler stayed by the car and watched his friend walk up to the house.

He didn't hesitate one bit to knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. And the person who answered was his lover's father.

The look at the father's face was confusing to the sixteen year old in front of him. His face read, worried, scared, sadness.

"What's wrong sir?" He asked him.

The Father sighed, "I thought he was with you. He didn't come home last night and he won't pick up the phone..."

"Wh-What?" He asked, tears threatening him.

"I'm sorry Jonathan, but Evan is missing. We're about to file out a police report..." Evan's Father said, shutting the door. Jonathan turned back to his friends, he showed no emotion, he was about to lose it. He limped over to the car, he was about to fall and hit the floor, Tyler noticed and ran over to him.

 And at that moment, Luke started screaming at Jonathan to not do it.

But it was too late.

Jonathan broke.

 ▂▂▂▂ 🔪 ▂▂▂▂


Evan woke up on the cold floor of some reason dark room. The only light he had was a fading candle.

His head ached, his vision was fuzzy and blurry, but he did see a door that was right next to him. Pain was striking his body but he didn't care, he shook it off and got up, leaning on the wall for support. His face read grimace, but he pursed his lips and sucked up the pain.

He limped over the door, opening it slowly. He looked around and it was nothing but a dark hallway. And that's when his ashen face saw it.

The door that lead to outside, it showed the morning light through the window. Evan's body was trembling more and more with each second he was standing up, he felt the need to doubled over and let out violent vomit.

And just like that, he collapsed to the floor as he felt the pain strong as one hundred daggers sinking into his body. He started screaming with anguish, while writhing about on the floor, clutching his body. His eyes started to get watery with the sheer of pain and his breathing becoming sharp, shallowing rasps. 

That's when he heard a giggle echoing off the walls. He turned over on his hands and knee's, trying to stay up as sweat dripped down the side of his face and covered his fore heard in a thin sheen.

But he kept collapsing, his body was weak. He just laid on the floor as he heard footsteps walk over to him. Evan just curled up in a ball and looked down the hall.

Evan felt vulnerable and alarmed as soon as he saw that too similar masked man walking over to him with a sharp knife.

"C-Cry.." he croaked, his desperate tone made his words almost unable to be heard, but they still echoed around the eerie, as Ryan's smile grew wider.

Then Evan blacked out.


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