Chapter 3

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It was Wednesday. I was so excited this morning. I still couldn't believe that I was dating Draco Malfoy. I managed to get to class on time today but I'm pretty sure it was just because I wanted to see Draco. When we all sat down for class I chose to sit at the desk next to my boyfriend. I was copying the notes into my notebook when a teacher I had never seen before walked in. She was wearing an all pink outfit and she had brown hair that was short at her ears. I watched as she walked over to mr. Lockhart and whisper something to him. He nodded and she walked to the front of our classroom. She said "I am the new minister of magic here at Hogwarts". She had an unsettling grin on her face and I looked at Draco. We shared the same worried look on our faces. We then watched as she left the classroom. Everyone was so confused but brushed it off and continued their work. At lunch everyone at the Slytherin table was talking about the mysterious woman from earlier that day. Me and Draco sat at the end of the table with Blaise and pansy. I didn't tell Draco but I hated pansy. I always felt like she was protective over everyone. They were talking when I noticed that the suspicious woman from mr. Lockharts class was sitting in professor Dumbledores seat. She stood up and called for everyone's attention. She then said "I am the new minister of magic at Hogwarts and you will call me professor Umbridge". I looked back at My brother. Me and Harry haven't been close since I got put in Slytherin. He said he was ashamed to have a sister in Slytherin and not in Gryffindor. Harry looked back at me and motioned for me to come over to him, hermoine, and Ron. When I walked over to him he said " i hate you but I need your help". I said " we need to figure out what happened to Dumbledore". He agreed with me and I went to tell Draco. Draco didn't want to come because of Harry but I told him if he wanted to be with me he had to get used to Harry. We walked to Hagrids hut to talk to him about Umbridge. He said that we didn't need to know what happened but we needed to get her fired. Me, hermoine, Ron, Harry, Draco, blaise, and pansy all talked about how to get her fired. Draco insisted we break all the rules until she bursts out on us and we get her fired for blowing up on the students. Everyone liked the idea so we went and got Fred and George. You had been best friends with the Weasleys for years and for as long as you could remember Fred and George were always breaking rules. We weren't supposed to be out of classes so we were trying to be sneaky. Professor flitwick saw us walking back to hagrids hut with the twins so he started chasing us. We turned a random corner and fell into a door that we hadn't seen before. We didn't have time to find another spot to hide so we all ran in. When we got in it was dark and covered in dust. The door had disappeared behind us so we were locked in. Harry suddenly got an idea. His idea was to sneak in here every day to practice our magic skills that we were always forbid from doing.

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