Am sorry I have to go

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I had been a 9 months since the final battle and for the past 2 month Cale started to realize something. The vitality of the heart wasnt working. His body was getting heavy he was more tired than usual he was able to hide this for the time being and maybe a month more no longer than that. Cale knew he was t going to last much longer. He was trying to find a way to tell everybody, but nearing his 3rd month people started to notice  something was off about Cale. He never ate a lot since the beginning and on his time off he would usually just sleep, but now....he hardly ate anything makeing the smallest dent in his food and slept way more than normal. He was close to looking as white as snow and he started to develop eye bags despite him sleeping the whole day except for about 2 hours.

They finnaly decided to ask Eruhaben if he knew what was happening to Cale. Eruhaben had been serious and didn't say much except that Cale would tell them when he was ready.

Eruhaben thought of what Cale had told him  a month ago.

'Eruhaben-nim you probably know what I wanna talk to you about right?'

'haaa you unlucky bastard what's wrong with you body did you get poisoned or something?'

'haha not quite but I'll tell you something one of my ancient powers heals my body it's their to help me stay healthy and the only time it's stops is when theirs not much time left for the body on normal occasion it won't stop working not until am at least 100 years of age'


'i have about 8 month to 1 and a half left. I- I want you to keep this a secret I need to find a way to tell them'

'...I understand'

At that moment Eruhaben thought to himself 'how? This man had lived a life of fighting and working. I gusse- no you can say he was fighting the gods wars even after all this struggle they only let him rest for a bit. even after everything was done he still busy'

'cale how long have you know for?'

'about 1 month ago'


This bastard only started to rest after death was coming for him.

•••present time•••

Eruhabens words rang in all their minds for the whole day until the next meal with Cale.

"Your all quite"


They snapped back I to reality they where all starting at Cale.

"Haaa am full oh and gather up everyone tomorrow theirs something I have to tell you"

Cale walked away.

'i gusse it's about time I tell them this is the best way to tell them.should I call whales maybe litia or bud. I think it would only be fare to tell them.yah I'll just give them a call some time later this week'

•••next day•••

Everybody was gathered around a table from the tigers to wolf children to his group  they where in the black castle because this matter included Sherrit as well. They were all nervous about what Cale was going to say.

Cale walked in with Raon. He then tooked his seat and sighed deeply he had a frown and then a smile. This caused everyone to worry more and panic.

"Cale-nim...what happened ah um why did you gather us all?" Choi han asked while messing around with his fingers.


Cale looked at them for a few minutes before responding.


"I'll cut to the chase since am quite tired..."

His voice sounded weak.

"8 months to a year and half"

"What's this time for?" They all asked curiously but cautiously

"...I'll die somewhere between that time I may go out faster or later"

'shit i had just started to live my slackers life now your trying to kill me? I hate gods'

"Huh? Your jo-joking right"

Choi han said with a shaky voice. Gashan looked at Cale. He remember telling Cale about a week ago that Nature said the one with a new life light is fading. He expected Cale to answer with a confused expression but he just looked at Gashan and smiled and said 'i gusse I really can't hide from nature'.

Lock and Rosalyn s eyes started to tear up. the children were crying while some of the wolf children where in the verge of tears.

"You playing human your playing you told me you won't leave me alone"

Ron and beacrox eyes started to water as well. He couldn't believe It the puppy young master was barely going to start enjoying the life you should enjoy when your young but he wasn't going to live much longer?bullshit!

"This ain't funny young master Cale if this is what you find funny then it's not how are you even sure?"

Cale looked at this room with a slight smile and sad eyes.

"My ancient power. Cale started to unbotten his shirt And moved his hair to the side they saw a shield with a heart a golden rose thunder bolt (and whatever the super rock sign was because the water didn't leave any marks).

They where all shocked at Cales sudden  movement and noticed something they had never seen before. Total of 4 tattoos and one was fading. It was cracking in the edges.

"The tattoo that's fading is the one that's keeping me alive that power stopped working. This power was keeping me healthy and  keeping my plate balanced"

" sorry"

They all flinched and the ones who weren't crying now had tears tricking down their face except Gashan he had been preparing for this.

"You don't need to apologize" Rosalyn and Choi han said at the same time.

The children where quite now and where laying on his lap while roan clinged to his back sobbing.

"On the bright side you can all live a peaceful life a slackers one at that" Cale hadn't realized but a tear started to run down from one of his eyes. Even though he smiled not because he was happy he go this off his chest but because he was happy that his new family would live quietly without losing anyone in war. He truly was happy that he could leave them here and they wouldn't be alone they would have one another unlike him.


The room was quite. How could have they forgotten Cale was 21 he was young but he kept on fighting in wars while making sure his people never suffered . But now he was saying he was glad that they could live a peaceful life without war? The one who did the most was happy that he wouldn't be able to enjoy this but was happy that his family could.

Lock, the wolf children, the tigers and Rosalyn all excused them selves. This was to much for them.

After a few minutes of silence and watching Cales face go from a frown to slight smile was marked in everyone memories.

"I'll be going now I have to inform his highness and my family"

To Be Continued

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