Jiley: the battle

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James's POV
"James, your turn. Come pick a name." Kate called my name is from the centre of the studio.

Since Lucien bought the building, we had to merge with Elite, and his idea is that a we put 24 names in a hat, 12 dancers from TNS and 12 dancers from Elite. Then a member from TNS pulls a name from the hat and those 2 dancer have a battle. The better dancer makes the internationals team.

I wasn't worried. I could beat Elite any day. What I was worried about was drawing another dancers name from TNS. Like Hunter did. He went first and he pulled out Eldon's name. God, his face was petrifying as he read the name, just like he's seen a ghost.

I got up and West slapped my back in encouragement. He was the only bro in the room now. Hunter had lost and was packing his things, and Eldon ran out as soon as the match finished.

I walked over to where Kate and Phoebe were standing. I was pretty confident in myself. I just needed that luck to not pull out a name from my own team.

Kate smiled broadly at me as I approached her. Phoebe held out the hat for me. I looked away as I stuck my hand in the hat, rummaging my hand around trying to figure out which slip to pick.

Finally I tugged my hand out of the hat holding a yellow slip of paper in between my middle and pointing finger.

My extra hand pulled the slip away and I did a dramatic pose trying to lighten the mood. "And the person is.." I says in a deep voice, trying to mimic the voice of an announcer. Others from the TNS side let out chuckles and giggles at my actions. I also let out a chuckle but when I saw the name, I almost had a heart attack.

The slip of paper read Riley.

Riley's POV
I could tell my boyfriend was trying to lighten up the mood and make people smile. He did it at almost every serious situation, and I loved him for that.

It's like James's mood automatically changed. A minute ago he was laughing and joking and now he just started at the paper, gaping and it.

Everyone was as anxious to see what loser from Elite he had to face. I was just expecting him to be pausing like this to buy some time and keep everyone waiting. But then he looked over at out side and I knew immediately what was going on.

Our eyes met. He started at me for a few seconds before gulping and scrunching the piece of paper in his hands. Then he called the name. "Riley."

My heart sank. James had pulled my name, which meant I had to go up against my own boyfriend for a spot on the team. The room was filled with gasps now. A-troupe snapped there heads in my direction. There faces were filled in shock and sorrow. Elite on the other hand was clapping and laughing hysterically. I can't believe it. This couldn't be happening.

I took a deep breath before making my way towards the floor and to James. Kate and Phoebe were standing behind James, eyes popping out of there heads. Lucien had a nasty smirk on his face.

I felt like crying. How was I ever going to be able to take on my boyfriend? Yes, we did have are fights and everything but I love him, I truly love him. James looked at me and mouthed his signature expression, "Don't even worry about."

I was worried. Worried out of my mind. I rather not even go to internationals then go without him. He was my soul mate, my other side!

"Alright, Riley go first." Kate finally managed to say through the shock. James have me a small smile as I stepped out onto the dance floor. It's like I've had my brain wiped, I didn't remember a single thing from my solo that I practised. I stood there, in front of my team, Elite and Lucien just embarrassed myself.

My eyes met with Chloe's, and she gave me a nod. She was right, I had to do something, at least something. As the music started I did somewhat of the choreography that I remembered, the rest I just made up as I went.

James POV
Riley was not doing her best at all. She was dancing, but very poorly. I clenched my hands and I knew what I hand to do. I had to mess up. Watching Riley just made my heart hurt. She needed this more then anything, I at least had the band, dance was all she had.

Riley's POV
I started to pick up my moves. I did a couple of leaps and an Ariel then posed. Elite was just grinning and laughing at me and my fail attempt of dancing. I walked back to where James was standing. He gave me a reassuring smile and walked onto the dance floor. So this is it. I'm not going to be going to live my dream and go to Internationals.

As the music started, James started to pull out hip hop moves. He wasn't dancing his best either, but everyone knew why. And then it happened.

As James was doing a backflip, his foot slipped and he tumbled to the ground. Elite just started to laugh hysterically again. Lucien had a wide smirk plastered on his face. But I knew James, James doesn't fall. He did that on purpose!

As he got up I looked at him in disbelief. "James why!" I yelled. The room went silent. Everyone has there eyes on us. James knew exactly what I was talking about. I felt the tears coming but tried to blink them away.

Our eyes met again. He bite his lip and we just stared at each other. "Because Riley, I love you. And You deserve to go to Internationals more then me. You deserve to live your dream."

"What about your dream. Don't you want to go to internationals?" I asked in a quiet voice. I felt my cheeks heating up.

He shook his head. "I'm already living my dream, Riley. Your my dream. I love you more than anything Riley. You deserve this more then anyone here." There were small little awes coming from my team. "Your all I need Riley, it's all you. I love you." James finished.

It's like time froze and everyone in the room was gone and that at that moment I only mattered. My heart was beating like crazy. He messed up for me. He loved me. He wanted me to go. He loved me.

Before I knew it I was running into his arms. He held me tightly, not letting me go. At that moment, I felt like we were the only ones in the world, that we were unstoppable.

I pulled away and looked him straight in the eyes. "I love you too". He smiled and then connected our lips together.

James and Riley, Unstoppable.

An: sorry for the feels you got. Don't worry I got them too.

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