About This... Mess

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I have to say it because no one else is gonna say it but me...

After Day 3 this game lost a whole lot of potential and went haywires.

Of course, spoiler warning ahead of time because I'll be getting into topics from Day 3.

If you don't want to be spoiled then please back out and wait for another update that started with '00' or '0'.

Okay so there are several issues I found with this game.

1. The devs of the games and the rumors on their Patreon
2. Changing the potential in the game endings and characters
3. Changing Peter's initial character
4. Where the potential was at it's peek and when it was gone

Let's start with the creators themselves. There's a lot to deal with.


1. Our most beloved creators provide us the best content out there for us despite all the time it takes for them to produce. It won't be te best but so many fans are out there admiring their works. As soon as your game is out there, you have to keep an eye on reputation.
So what I've heard of speculations on Patreon is that not many people want to order or buy the game because of what appears to me child grooming happening in the background with one of the devs and have lately stayed silent.
I'd like to discuss on this topic more but it is unclear to me. I don't have Patreon and after hearing this, don't have the intention of getting it
2. Of course majority of games or comics are often self inserts (god I hate I'm Not Starfire). But when you— as an author— take a swan dive into a rabbit hole to understand the character you are writing about to make sure they accidentally don't get OOC, you find out some shit and wish you didn't theorize about. My big brain self realized that Fubbo(the creator of Your Boyfriend)'s husband is voicing Peter. Another author pen pal of mine had referred to this as self insert as her own husband voicing these lines and her having to check on these lines and adding them into the game could be role play or self i stet and I was left stunned like...
Interesting. I never thought of that because I like to keep my innocence. So tgat got me real uncomfy to hear about people fawning over Peter/ possibly Fubbo's husband.


Last time I was informed or at least rumored about was the game Your Boyfriend would eventually have several routes to be with the other characters — the night chat with Lucy, having TK take you out for lunch and possibly working with/at Don's place. Instead, it was erased or never mentioned again (que sad, I love TK so much).

Not much we're out in the characters which I can't use anymore since we are on Day 3 out of the 5 chapters and I can't use Lucy anymore because we'll, SHES DEAD. I'll go more in a rant of Peter later and how they did him dirty :(


Boy oh boy where do I start? I KNOW my readers enjoy a clingy yandere simp x reader fanfic here because clearly, you're reading this thinking it's an update. Well it's not. It's me giving my side of what I'm going to change about this whole ordeal.

It was informed by Fubbo herself that Peter absolutely wants no harm done to us and would instead slowly deteriorate out minds into needing him by only having his company — charming, am I right?

But on Day 3 when we are taken into his van, in order to knock us out into complying with him, he bashes our head into his van window before driving us 3 hours away from who knows where... you are where the once caring and touch starved boi turned into a psycho who wants nothing but your body and makes you worthless at the end come from right? You see it right.

Peter, apparently the son of Fubbo is voiced by her husband which I don't even care at this point because I'm here to rant on more things than this. But it is suggested by Peter breaking the 4th wall that he refers to his mother being an artist and has once asked to draw him in his birthday suit. (I don't wanna say the word because 1. Ew 2. Nah man, my asexual ass can't deal with this mont-fuckery).
So I game Fubbo is an artist who once possibly did a portrait of her son... this is already too touchy for a subject for me to get into and i refuseeeee to believe this is true until this is real but holy shizz, lemme go on before I start dissing even more and lose my energy.

The man who wanted to do us no harm at the beginning and started before in Fubbo's stream before... will eventually CUT YOUR LEG OFF 🐸 nothing screams yandere then removing mobility, amirite?

I'd love to excuse myself from editing another chapter but i just can't and have to continue on our other and last section.


I honestly didn't expect much for a point and click novel erotic game but for Day 1 and parts of Day 2 got me hooked that it was the soul reason I had to write about it. Day 3 was FAR TOO RUSHED which led me into going through a rabbit hole of going through Fubbo's private Twitter, nsfw Twitter, official Tumblr and facts on Reddit and tips and official head cannons made by Fubbo herself.

I won't go into much detail of Day 3 but O will say it includes Lucy apparently going missing and then leading her her dead body being found in the greasy spoon diner TK and the MC work at. It was careless and nothing much for me. It leads to the MC either asking TK to be their new roommate or Peter to be able to move in. (Say RIP to the sun now) then to get fresh air from all the dRaMa in just ONE DAY, the MC heads WILLINGLY into Peter's Can who then CONFESSES he's been stalking them, horny mofo exhibitionist, yada yada and then when we try and fight back BAM, knock out. (Dang it I said I would t get too into detail).

Chapter / Day 3 was far too rushed and everything could have been expanded to a chapter or two more. Lucy's death came too soon with little interaction from her and Peter.

ANOTHER THING IS (here we go again) when MC is in Peter's van, the glove box opens and shows a bloody knife. (Wow. Mysterious) This was far too rushed in my opinion. Literally this whole chapter was just as rushed as the Book of Life movie.

For Lucy to die randomly jus as soon as Peter showed up, having Peter or TK being selected to be MC's new roommate (dang it Don. Ever heard of mourning ya divorced lonely dilf). It could have been an end of the chapter scenario, man. Or at least how to deal with Lucy's death. It gives no character in how meaningful how Lucy could have been with us. It never even mentioned how Lucy was WHICH IS ANOTHER THING (make it stop)

It wasn't mentioned and yet Fubbo has stated that Lucy was indeed looking for a job to assist in MC paying the rent and paying them back. But instead knew she wouldn't be able to pay and begged Don to kick them out (Lucy) not the MC which he was going to do but ya know... she's kinda dead now.

THIS COULD HAVE ADDED CHARACTER TO LUCY INSTEAD OF A HORNY HOUSEMAID, dang it. It also makes the MC seem careless to move along so quickly.

It's peaks were in Day/Chapter 1-2 because it was a meh and hoped to expect more from a small game that quickly arrived in fame.


I really didn't wanna seem like a critic but some of these points really ticked and triggered me so badly that they were the main reason I could never publish another story and eventually went off Wattpad to find some time for myself. (It's dramatic but holy fuck that rabbit hole is something I regret entering. Anhka Zone was better).

The only way I COULD EVER get back into this book that I have recently fell out of love with (worst feeling to an author besides someone copying them) is making Peter into his touch starved clingy and adoring boyfriend. He's observant and isn't stupid into getting the MC to listen to him. He's patient, he waited a long time to learn their routine through out the days and knew Lucy made the MC coffee before work and knew exactly where they went to at the park and followed their route home without being caught. DAY 3 screwed my boi over just like the Doroteo and Pingles logo.

Day 3 will be more in-depth of getting MC more involved with the characters than just Peter— the late night chat with Lucy, a lunch with TK and possibly working with Don (literally no personality to him but a dilf with divorce and commitment issues) so probably nothing from him.

Other than lengthening the story, giving personality and connection for the MC to fully trust Peter and befriending Lucy and TK more, I won't update this story because holy shit that small hiatus took so much energy from me.

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Thank you so much for reading. Thank you for joining in my TED talk. Please read my other stories.

【𝑬𝑵𝑺𝑳𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑫】; Your Boyfriend x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now