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Checking herself for the last time, Sachiko reached for the bag with Catoru inside. It's been a week since her brother's surprise visit and currently, it's 6 in the evening.

Wearing simple jeans, a maroon hoodie paired with boots, and of course her glasses, Sachiko walked out of her room, seeing Yuji sitting in the living room dressed in jeans and hoodie, scrolling through his phone.

"Let's go Yuji. Ichiji-san will drive us to the place"

It was supposed to be Mitsuya who will pick them but she refused.

The pink-haired male snatched the bag from her and happily wore the bag. Let's just say that Yuji got super close with Catoru. Since both of them will head out, they decided to bring Catoru with them.

"You seems so happy, Is this your first time going to a festival?" Sachiko asked as soon as she entered the car. Taking a seat beside Ichiji. Yuji sits in the back seat.

"Yes and I'm going back to school next week!"

The white-haired girl smiled a little at the male, feeling sad because she got used to Yuji's presence. She's sure she'll miss him and his noise.

"That's good then," Sachiko averted her eyes from Yuji and looked at the male beside her.

"Do you want me to pick you guys later?"

Sachiko shakes her head no, declining the older's offer. Mitsuya said that he'll drop them later since he's the one who invited them.

"Don't bother yourself Ichiji-san, I think you need some rest. Dark circles are forming under your eyes. I heard from niisan that you're busy because of a school exchange event"

"That's right but the two of you are not a bother" The male spoke calmly, adjusting his glasses.

"We had a rough yesterday so just rest and don't worry about us Ichiji-san!" Yuji also insisted and played with Catoru still inside the bag.

Sachiko raised her eyebrows and faced Yuji.

"What happened yesterday?"

Ichiji cleared his throat and focused his eyes on the road.

"Nanami-san and Itadori-kun encountered an unregistered curse. Unfortunately, the curse escaped"

Uneasiness covered Sachiko's whole being. Upon mentioning the curse, it made her stomach twist.

"What was the curse like?"

Yuji stopped playing Catoru and sighed a little.

"The curse has blue hair, patch face and stitches all over his body. His name is Mahito" 🤢🤮

Their conversation was cut when the car stopped right in front of the entrance of the said festival.

Looking at the window, Sachiko saw Mitsuya waiting for them. The two of them got out of the car, as Ichiji opened the window, looking at her.

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