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It seemed that the beautiful morning with seemingly wonderful promises had turned sour. Who would have thought that the glorious dawning would birth misery and sorrow in that day beyond anything the Pridelanders had ever known. For them, it was a sour, painful turn of events, but for Scar and his hyenas, it was a day to celebrate; a day of victory. They each had their own reasons. For the hyenas, their loyal allegiance to Scar, or rather now King Scar, had now given them legal access to the Pridelands. They could invade the Prideland herds and hunt without rebellion from even the best of warriors and huntresses in the Pride, because they helped Scar murder Mufasa, and he in turn had promised them the Pridelands' best hunting fields and territories. Scar, however, was elated at the thought of majestically standing on the edge of Pride Rock, and masses of animals bowing before him as the new Lion King. This was what he dreamed of, ever since from childhood, and he never doubted any slight moment in his life that he was born to be King, to be on the throne. He had sworn with a spark of determination in his heart, that he would fight for what he was born to be. He felt devastatingly proud of himself. His long awaited day had finally arrived.
His mind was suddenly jolted back to reality when Shenzi lowly interrupted his excited thoughts.
"Your majesty," she called. "The lionesses are waiting for the funeral speech." Scar raised his eye brows on remembering so and walked to Pride Rock. The Pride had gathered there, about eighty to a hundred or so lionesses. Rafiki and Zazu had organized the ceremony, and everyone was waiting for Scar.
Sitting on a huge boulder neighbouring Pride Rock and pretending to be grieved by the death of his brother and nephew, Scar began:
"Mufasa's death, is a terrible tragedy," he uttered. "He was the greatest King and leader the Pride has ever known, but to lose a brother like him is such a deep personal loss. And little Simba, who barely began to live-his blood held our future, but it seemed too much to endure." Sarabi lowered her head in grief. For her, losing both a husband and a son would mean that she would have nothing left to live for. Zazu held her paw and comforted her, as tears streamed down her pale cream cheeks.
Taking a deep breath, Scar stood up straight and proclaimed the news.
"So it is with a heavy heart, that I assume the throne. Mufasa and Simba are both gone, which means I, am your new King."
The lionesses hung their heads in grief as Scar ascended Pride Rock as the new Lion King. Dark atmospheres began to form over the kingdom, seeming to signify the beginning of a dark era. Mufasa's loss seemed to also cause the loss of the promising and peaceful environment that hovered about. He was truly a good King, all the lionesses agreed. He made sure that Pride Rock was just in terms of law abiding. He protected his kingdom, a devoted leader and a committed warrior. He was the source of the inspiration of the young cubs who looked up to him as a mighty Lion King who defended his territory. He might be dead, but all the lionesses assured Sarabi that they would all keep him alive in their hearts and minds. His worth and value and the impact he made on the Pridelands made him far too precious to be forgotten.
It was painful for the Pride, but far too painful and hurting for poor old Rafiki, the baboon and friend of the Royal Family. Mufasa was a good and close friend. He recalled the day when Mufasa rescued him from the hyenas that pursued him. He rescued him and as the years passed by, he had established a strong bond with him. Losing a friend and a King would mean almost the same as losing a brother. He tearfully looked at his artwork and paintings of the Kings of the Past and all their heirs, and thus remembered little Simba. His sudden, unprepared, tragic disappearance from the face of the earth literally jeopardized the future of the Pride. His heart bled for the young cub.
"Oh, Simba..." he whispered tearfully, "You had such a great destiny ahead of you. What a glorious King we hoped you would become, just in his ways and defensive of his kingdom in battles, but you left Earth so early. You barely even began to live and conform to the precepts and paw-prints of your father...Oh, rest in peace, rest in peace our young prince. Rest in peace, my friend and King. Rest in peace...."
The lionesses left the venue, and climbed up the rocks back to Pride Rock, heading for the den. The day had been odd and gloomy and dark, and the Pride decided to retreat into sleep. However, Sarabi sat at the tip of Pride Rock, staring wonderingly at the stars. Like a swift, light cherub, her mind glided over the past recent, life-changing events of their lives. She recalled all the beautiful, happy and sad moments she shared with her beloved Mufasa, ever since they were young. Her mind floated fleetingly over the fanciful world of glorious moments she had with him while still a cub, when Taka (now known as Scar), and Zira were still friends with her. All those adventures, all those scrapes they got themselves into, all the fun they had racing across the Pridelands, learning about the Great Kings of the Past. Out of all this, her favorite memory was of the day, as they were maturing into adulthood, when she and Mufasa found love. He was a wonderful lion to spend the rest of her life with. His charming, gentle personality was what made him beautiful in her eyes. She loved him to death, and couldn't bear the thought of losing him. It was her greatest fear, which most of the time gave her uncomfortable feelings and almost sleepless nights. But now her fears had been confirmed and made manifest before her very own eyes. Not to mention her precious young prince Simba, her greatest object of love and concern. To lose her beloved husband and son, was like losing herself; her life. She was overwhelmed with heavy emotions that she could literally feel her world crumbling apart beneath her feet. For a slight second she hoped it were true, for she had nothing else to live for, according to her. She hoped that earth would just tear apart and swallow her at once. It would have done her a great favor, indeed- a favor of releasing her from this heavy burden of grief, darkness and gloom that had just been set on her shoulders by life.
She took a painful deep breath before her deep thoughts were jolted back to reality by Scar.
"Sarabi," Scar called. "Aren't you coming into the den?" Sarabi looked away. Scar took gentle steps toward her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, holding Sarabi's paw." Reluctantly, Sarabi withdrew from Scar's touch. A surprisingly long moment of silence followed. "I know how you must be feeling," Scar broke the silence. "I lost a most important person to, a dearest brother, and it's soul-breaking. I am deeply, deeply sorry, Sarabi."
Sarabi wiped her tears away. "No, Scar," she said, fastly interrupting Scar. "You don't have to be sorry. It's just''s so heartbreaking, you know. Simba and Mufasa were the greatest gifts that ever happened in my life. They both meant the whole world to me. I can't believe I just lost them both..."
"We all lost someone, Sarabi...We gotta move on," Scar said. "Help me find a way to change all of this."
"By allowing me become your King, and new Queen," Scar responded.
"Excuse me?"
"Let me fill that gap in your life that Mufasa has left and make a difference, Sarabi," Scar said, "and that can only be accomplished in one way, by both of us ruling beside each other."
Sarabi couldn't believe what had just crossed her ears.
"This conversation is getting awkward. I'd better get back to the den. Good night, Scar," Sarabi uttered, and attempted to leave before Scar held her back. "No, Sarabi. You can't keep avoiding this topic forever. I love you. It's always been you. And I know you love me too."
Sarabi gave a keen look at Scar's eyes. "You can't be serious right now, Scar, can you? I just lost a king and a beloved mate I deeply loved and adored. You can't suddenly expect me to..."
"The only reason you chose Mufasa over me as your mate was because tradition didn't leave you a choice," Scar reasoned. "You did that because you had to. But all along your heart was knit to me, wasn't it?"
Sarabi stared at Scar, not knowing what to say.
"Sarabi, deny before me right now that you love me! Do it right now!" Scar cried.
Taking a deep breath, Sarabi gave Scar her last response. "Mufasa is the only lion I loved and adored. Believe it or not even if tradition didn't allow it, he'd still be my heart's idol."
Scar felt like his heart had literally been torn apart. Every villain has a reason for their deeds. For Scar, one of the primary reasons for exterminating Mufasa was to have Sarabi one day as his beloved Queen. What would the world mean if she turned him down? He was simply shocked at Sarabi's response.
"Do you mean I did all this in vain?"
Scar questioned.
"Did what?" Sarabi inquired, looking curiously at his countenance.
After realizing that he almost exposed his venomous secret of being responsible for Mufasa's death, a wave of horror literally made his heart almost skip a bit.
"Oh...uh...nothing," Scar stammered.
Sarabi's curious look transformed back to her now new usual sombre face. "Can I be dismissed?" She asked.
Scar nodded. "Of course," watching her headed for the den. Scar had promised himself he would do everything to win Sarabi's heart. The day after would be his coronation day, and he was to introduce the hyenas to the Pridelands, as he had long promised. Speaking of the hyenas....Scar decided to pay some old friends a visit.
In his dark cave in the outlands, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed were in their usual feasting on dry elephant bones.
"Hello my friends," Scar greeted gleefully. "Or should I in crime?"
"Now look who's come down to pay us a visit," Shenzi said. "Having a great time celebrating your new found victory as King?"
"Oh...precisely," Scar smiled. "I am simply elated at the thought of having all Pridelanders pay their allegiance to no one else but me. It lifts my heart with remarkable joy and happiness."
"Hey, Scar what about us?!" Banzai asked, in his usual complaining tone.
"You promised you would..." he said, before Shenzi hit him slightly against his shoulder to stop him. Scar put on a serious countenance, almost stern.
"So," he inquired, "did you finish the job?"
"Which job?" Ed questioned.
"Of killing the young prince, you fool!" Scar shot, in an irritable, authoritative tone.
"Oh...Simba? Yeah well, you see...."
The hyenas would be dead if Scar ever found out that Simba was not successfully murdered as Scar had ordered. He was this close to succumb in the hyenas' grip, but he luckily escaped for his dear life. Shenzi and her two comrades had to come up with a lie, and quick, before raising Scar's alarm.
"Uh....we..we ate him! Yes! We ate him! And he was just yummy!" They lied.
Scar looked at them in a doubtful look. "Why am I doubting your response?"
"No need to worry," Shenzi slyly reassured, "The job is well taken care of!"
"Are you sure?" Scar asked. "Because if I find out something is amiss, I will personally rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat, giving you a bitter taste of my wrath!"
Terrified at his threats, Shenzi reassured and insisted on the same lie, only this time reluctantly. Scar's fury subsided.
"Good," he commented, "I won't live you unrewarded for your job." He took out a beefy, hind leg of a zebra and placed it under the hungry hyenas who gorged themselves lavishingly in its flesh.
"Hey Scar," Banzai called, as the lion was about to go. "What about your promise?"
"Patience, Banzai," Scar responded. "Tomorrow is my coronation day as Pride Rock's new King. I'll personally call you out and make you unnoticed and unexpected visitors in the kingdom."
Banzai smiled, now satisfied. He wanted to make sure that Scar hadn't forgotten his side of the deal. Tomorrow will indeed be a glorious day, the hyenas cheered- tomorrow will indeed be a glorious day, Scar agreed, but completely at odds with the unpleasant and unwelcome times that seemed to befall the Pride, whose hearts still weighed down heavily for the loss of their greatest King, whom they alone paid their allegiance to.
The next morning began as a gloomy and almost dark atmosphere as the night before. Scar was already up, in simple enthusiasm for the on-coming coronation. The lionesses seemed to be up, drowsy, both emotionally, mentally and physically. Sarafina(Nala's mother) appeared in the cave. She and some of the lionesses exchanged gestures of greetings, and when she looked, her daughter Nala was resting her head on Sarabi's paw, while Sarabi hung her head in tears. She was facing the corner of the cave, with her back to Sarafina.
Reluctantly, Sarafina approached her. "Sarabi...."
Sarabi glanced over her shoulders, while Nala nudged her mother's snout and purred.
"Sarabi," Sarafina said, "The hunting..."
"You can lead the hunt today, Sarafina. I allow you to be in charge today," Sarabi said.
"Yes," Sarafina said. She organized the lionesses and left for the fields. Nala offered to stay with Sarabi. The Queen's emotional situation was no different from Nala's. She was equally distressed, heavy-hearted, and broken. Simba was her best friend, and she treasured him deeply. Her life that was once blossoming with joyous adventures and exciting things would now seem to be empty, dark and unfulfilling. She inwardly blamed herself for not being present to help Simba escape the life-threatening stampede at the gorge. She felt a warm stream of tear down her left cheek. No more more adventures...just all alone in a gloomy, dark world that had just began.
At the thought of this, Nala clinged even tighter to Sarabi's front leg, that Sarabi could feel Nala's young heart beating.
"Are you okay, honey?" She asked, gently lowering her head towards the young cub. Nala pressed her eyes close in pain. "I'm going to miss him so much," she said.
"I know," Sarabi said, affectionately brushing her paw against the soft fur of Nala's back. "I'm gonna miss him too."
"He was my best friend," Nala cried. "He meant so much to me. What would I do without him?" To see the innocent soul of a young cub broken and her dreams shattered so early in her life made Sarabi even more heartbroken. She could see the inescapable despair that the loss of Mufasa and Simba had caused among her people. It was unbearable.
After the morning hunts, Zazu announced to the Pride that the coronation was about to start. All the lionesses left the cave in groups and assembled before Pride Rock. Rafiki headed for Scar's cave.
"Scar..." he called. "It's about to begin." Scar majestically left the cave and stood before the lionesses to deliver his speech. It gave him a sense of pride, authority and dominion to stand before the Pride and introduce a new era into the Kingdom as the new King.
"Greetings, Pridelanders," he began. "As you all know, the tragic incident of Mufasa's and Simba's death has left us broken and grieved. There are some things in life that we as creatures on this earth must accept are inevitable. And among this things is death. Death must catch up with every single one of us, and we will never know when our time will come. The life will live on earth we live by grace, you know. And if life chooses to withdraw its favor and grace, and allow calamity to befall us, then we have to accept and move on. Our great King has passed away, and what is done, cannot be undone. As it is expected of me by Prideland's Law, as the King's late brother, I assume the throne..."
Some lionesses in the Pride nodded, while others lowered their heads. "But I won't leave the kingdom like this," Scar continued, raising the attention of the Pride.
"My rise to the throne of Pride Rock as King marks the beginning of a new era..." The Pride looked, and they gasped in shock at what formed in their sight. Scar had made an unwelcome and unexpected surprise on the Pride. A sea of hyenas emmerged from the shadows behind Pride Rock and from seemingly every corner of the Pridelands, totally encompassing and surrounding the Pride. All lionesses glanced at all directions, and, everywhere, glowing green eyes were glaring directly at them, with a hatred and resentment that the Pridelanders have never known. The huge army pressed so close to the Pride that Nala could literally feel their hateful, angry, low growls beneath their throats. She felt like letting out a blood cuddling scream, but the surprise hyena visitors had birthed such a strong fear that she remained numb, unable to talk. She fearfully withdrew behind her mother's front leg and pressed tight.
"What's happening?" The lionesses asked each other confusedly.
"It's a new era," Scar continued, "In which lions and hyenas come together, in a great and glorious future!" The whole of the kingdom was filled with echoes of frightening hyena laughter. Sarabi had already foreboded that the hyena invasion into the Pridelands would mean certain death. By allowing the hyenas territories in the Pridelands, Scar had just allowed access of all kinds of problems into the kingdom which he now ruled. Indeed, it was most certainly true. But Scar did not even think about it. To him it was a new beginning, a new kingdom, a new era......

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