Chapter 1: Docks

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As Tyler stood there on the dock, half bent over, his knees started to shake, then Michael showed up, perhaps a bit too late, "Ty....." was the last thing he heard as he collapsed from exhaustion.
    Michael checked Tyler over and made sure nothing was broken, only his head was hit but it was bleeding. And boy, did it look awful. Michael pulled out his phone and dialed for 911. Tyler wasn't coming conscious and he was getting worried.
   As Michael tried to keep Tyler comfortable the ambulance arrived, and Michael shouted "Over here! WE'RE AT THE DOCK!" and EMTs rushed forward. Tyler was slowly coming around but by the time he did, he was already strapped to a back board. "Wha??" "Son, you're gonna be ok. Your friend said you were half bent over and collapsed." "Oh god..." Tyler mumbled, he then proceeded to vomit.
  "This is ambulance 12, male, approximately 20 years old, collapsed, now is conscious, vomited, able to string sentences together coherently." Tyler didn't know what was going on, the world got dizzy and he was unconscious yet again.

            — Alyson's side —-
Alyson stood beside Dee when the call came in, it was loud and clear, "A male, approximately 20 years old, collapsed." her heart sank. Then she texted Michael, "You ok?" Michael didn't reply, she got in to her car and drove to the local hospital. She rushed into the ER waiting room, Michael stood up, "What happened?" "I was on the doc, he was half bent over, and he collapsed. He hit his head before I was able to catch him." Alyson nodded. A doctor came out to them, "Are you Alyson Ronan?" "Yes, is Tyler ok?" the doctor said "He has a definite head injury, he's on a light sedative right now to get him to sleep, and dehydrated, slightly malnourished." Alyson nodded, "May I go sit with him?" "Yes, but just be quiet, he's asleep." Alyson slowly walks into Tyler's hospital room, a gown on him. His appearance looks ragged and worn down. The IV bag slowly emptying its contents.
Alyson sits down on the small couch placed into the room. Michael steps in and whispers "Do you want anything? I'm going to the cafeteria." "A coffee if that's fine." Michael nods, Alyson pulls her phone out, she texts Tina Not gonna be able to show the house today, I'm in the hospital with my brother. Tina replies a few moments later with a an ok, maybe another time then.
       — Tyler —
     As Tyler wakes up to the smell of coffee, he starts to sit up, when he feels a hand pressed on his should, "Take it easy, Ty, you collapsed." said Alyson, "Oh, how long have I been out?" "For a couple of hours actually. You hit your head on the docks." Tyler nodded weakly, they gave him jello and adjusted the bed so he could sit up, but he was so dizzy.
Eddy appears in the room, peeking in, "May I come in?" "Sure Uncle Eddy." Alyson pipes up, "Hi Tyler. How are you feeling?" "'My head hurts." "I bet it does, Michael told me what happened." Tyler nods and then says "How long do I have to stay in the hospital?" "A day or two depending upon what tests they run." Tyler nodded, Alyson, holding his hand from the chair by the bedside, reassures him all is going to be ok.
     ....The Next Day
     Tyler is discharged from the hospital as long as he rests and takes some time from pushing himself too hard. The drive on the way home is short but kinda tense. Tyler looks at Alyson, "Tyler, get some rest when we get back to the house." he nods, eventually they pull up into the driveway. Michael stands there at the door, the smoke rising out of the chimney. Tyler gets out slowly, Michael comes over to him, "Easy, the doc said you were in rough shape." in his still weakened state, they helped him down to the docks, where Michael had gotten a fishing pole ready.

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