Chapter 6: The unwillingness patient

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CW/TW: strong pain and suicidal thoughts :

This chapter is Reader PoV

It has been two days since we made him recover his voice. Myriam warned me about is lethal abilities or mean speeches but I wasn't prepared for such a burden.

The man kept calling me every hour for nothing else than mocking me.
Well, almost nothing else.
Sometimes, he was asking me about the next stages of his recovery or how we were able to fix and heal simulacrum injuries.

I just told him that we have some knowledges on sim anatomy and healthcare. Myriam seems to be very distrustful toward him and I'd rather wait for her agreement before giving him more informations about us.

I would have liked to know him more and establish a link to earn his trust but he won't open easily.

For now, I willl just keep it simple and take care of him while remaining calm and patient.

I just need to keep in mind that he is in pain. His anger might just be the result of this.

I wonder why he doesn't want to get the anesthetic anymore.
I rarely witness someone being more afraid of a fully controlled artificial coma than a painful operation with only your teeth to grit on.

"Hey! Skinbag!"

There we go again. Less than an hour now. Maybe he is bored.

While I'm walking to his bedroom, I can hear something different that makes me stop mid-way.

He grunts.

He groans.

He whimpers.

He hiss.

He. Is. In. Pain.

I walk faster and open the door promptly.
Once beside him, I see is his eye flickering and twitching while his voicebox generate harsh breathing sounds cut by chocked groans.

I reach for the anesthetic box but before I can place the patches, he yells at me:

"No! I don't want you to use this stupid machinery again. "

I take a deep breath and try to convince him but he is in no mood of listening.

"I said, do NOT use anesthetic anymore!"

"But it will help you with the pain."

"You want to help me THAT badly? Then, kill me!"

I didn't expected that.

I'm too surprised to react and his anger keeps growing up as he starts screaming at me.

"That's what you should have done at the very beginning! But you stupid girl wanted to be a savior. You're fucki..."

The pain cuts him in his rage and makes him scream out and loud.

I'm silently sitting here, not sure of what i can do.
I watch him screaming and grunting for a minute before he comes back to a calmer state.

He doesn't seem angry anymore.

He tries to talk but his panting breath makes it hard.

"I just... I... Want to die... Th... All I want... Just wanna die... You... Kill me... Now..."

His sharp, heavy voice is now slow and soft. He is exhausted.

I am still shaken by his desperate suicidal demand but never would i do what he asks for.

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