Chapter 6:

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Gavin immediately pulls away and spins around, standing in front of me protectively.
Once he sees who's in front of us he sighs loudly. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We wanted to see why you ditched us." A female voice responds that I've known for the past 10 years. Kelsey.
I peer over Gavin's shoulder, I was going to push him but then I realized I still don't have my pants on, and see Brian and Kelsey smirking at us.
"You guys!" I whine, "why would you do that!? You nearly gave me a heartache! I thought you were James!" I whisper/yell placing a hand over my heart, that's obviously freaking out because I got a fright not because of Gavin.... of course not! Yeah right!
Both Kelsey and Brian's eyes darken at the mention of my brother while Gavin's back stiffens.
"What's wrong with my brother?" I ask suddenly defensive.
"Nothing," Gavin replies coldly. I don't like how he sounds so cold, so distant. It actually hurts.
" Other than he's fucking murderer!" Brian spits angrily.
I squint my eyes, confused as to what is going on. Before it clicks.
" Oh Kelsey must've told ya he was a hunter. Sure ya I know it's wrong but I wouldn't exactly call it murder.... I mean unless I was a vegetarian..." Brian stares at me in horror and then anger. Kelsey slowly shakes her head while Gavin spins around faces me. I notice his eyes are pitch black and he's shaking again. What is wrong with him?
The look he gives me is so emotionless and cold it sends a shiver down my spine.
"You know?" He asks so lowly and dangerously. Now I'm scared of him.
I glance at Kelsey for help but she is still just shaking her head.
"Uh... w-well I only found out a year ago..." I trail off.
Gavin growls and pushes himself away from me.
"You said you didn't believe!" He says pacing my tiny bathroom back and fourth. I'm actually surprised everyone can fit in here.
What is he talking about?
"What are you on about!? All I know is brother hunts ever since our dad died! Fuck sake, i dont even know what he hunts and I don't think it's any if your business what my brother does anyways!" I yell, poking Gavin's solid chest. Everyone is staring at me realization washing over their angry features.
"Get out." I tell them, pointing to my door.
Gavin opens his mouth to protest but I beat him to it.
"Get. The. Fuck out. Of. My. Room. NOW!"
Everyone starts making their way towards the window. Kelsey and then Brian climbs out. As Gavin puts his leg out he turns to speak to me. Knowing hearing his voice will make me weak, I speak.
"Get out Gavin and don't you ever come near me again. Ever."
Hurt fills his eyes as he climbs out and runs into the black of the night. I shut my window and lock it before climbing into bed and crying myself to sleep.
*cries* it's so sad. I know it's short but ya know I'm busy:/

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