chapter five

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"Peyt, are you ready?" Abbey asked as I curled the last piece of my hair

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"Peyt, are you ready?" Abbey asked as I curled the last piece of my hair.

"Yes," I replied, quickly brushing over my face one last time with bronzer.

"This is just a social mixer, it's basically a tea party. We all just kind of get to know each other better, there's a lot of good food and tea and coffee and things like that." Abbey explained.

"Okay, cool." I said as I gathered my things and we began the walk down to the quad to call our Uber to our house.

The ride wasn't very far to the house that was flooded with my beautiful sisters. Once inside I immediately spotted Chris with her big, Stephanie.

"Hey bitch." I said as I walked up to her.

"Hey slut." She giggled.

"Peyton! The point is to meet new people." Abbey scolded.

"Why?" I whined.

"Peyton Elizabeth Cane! Go!" Abbey yelled.

"See you later." I sighed to Christina as I walked away.

I met a bunch of cool girls and at the end of the mixer, Chris, Stephanie, Abbey and I reconvened on the front steps of the house as we planned.

"So Case just called, hockey is throwing a party and he wants us to go." Christina said.

"Yes." Abbey answered.

"Down, girl." I laughed. "I'm gonna sit this one out. Not really up to being around hockey players by any means right now."

"Well, if you change your mind you know where we'll be." Christina said, rubbing my arm.

"Hey beautiful girls." Trevor called from the window of Case's truck.

"Hi, boys." I smiled, hurrying over to the back seat. "I am going home."

"Awe, okay." Case said as we drove back toward the dorms.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Abbey asked as we pulled up outside.

"Yeah, I'm kinda wiped." I said.

"Okay, love you P." Case said.

I wandered up to my dorm and opted to take a shower before settling into Netflix and cheez-its for the night. After I finished my usual routine, I pulled on my favorite pair of PCEP hockey sweats that I stole from Brady and a big Boston U t-shirt. I was dragging a brush through my wet hair when there was a knock at my door.

"Chris, how many times do I have to remind you about your keys?" I laughed as I walked to the door.

I opened the door and my hair brush hit the floor, along with my jaw.

"Hey Hurricane." Jack said.

Without a single thought my body wrapped around him and he lifted me off the ground.

"I am so sorry." Jack mumbled into my hair.

"What are you doing here?" Was my only response.

"I couldn't wait a week to see you and talk to you." Jack said walking into my dorm.

"You're gonna miss practice and not be able to play." I said.

"I don't care." He said, still clutching me. "I was so stupid."

"Sh, don't say anything right now. Just hold me." I said.

"P! Open the door!" Trevor yelled from the hallway, banging on the door.

"Is that Z?" Jack asked.

"Yes, Christina always forgets her key." I said putting my feet on the floor.

"So they're perfect for each other is what you're telling me?" Jack laughed as I approached the door.

"That is exactly what I'm telling you." I laughed as I opened it.

"Have you been on instagram?" Christina said entering the room.

"No, did the sorority post an ugly picture of me?"

"Oh- Jack's here." Chris said to Trev as he walked in.

"Good, maybe he can explain what the fuck this is." Trevor said throwing his phone at him.

"What's what?" I asked.

"I was gonna talk about that." Jack said.

"Talk about what?"

"You got fucking balls showing up here." Trevor said.

"Don't talk to me about what you don't know, Z"

"Someone tell me what's going on right now!" I yelled.

"Yeah Jack, tell her." Christina said.

"Give me your phone Trevor." I held my hand out.

"Peyton-" Jack started.

"Shut up." I pointed at him before turning to Trev. "Give. It."

Trevor handed me his phone to reveal a picture of Jack and a blonde waiting outside a bar cuddled up.

"Rumored to be newly single, rookie Jack Hughes spotted waiting for an Uber with mysterious blonde. What happened to Jeyton?" I read the caption on the post before looking up at Jack. "And you want to give me shit about Trevor?"

"Peyton, I can explain." Jack said.

"Trevor was absolutely right. You have balls showing up here." I said.

"Listen to me, please."

"Get out." I said.

"Can we please talk about this Peyton?"

"She said get out, Jack." Trevor said.

"Do not touch me Trevor, I will break your neck."

"Jack!" I screamed.

"You wanna get physical Rowdy we absolutely can, but get out and I'll bust your jaw in the hallway." Trevor said getting in his face.

"No you will not." I said. "Jack get out, I don't care if you go home but I do not want to look at you right now." I said opening the door.


"Goodbye, Jack."

With one final look Jack took his backpack and left and I shut the door and instantly started crying. To which Trevor responded by catching my body before I dropped to the floor.

"I can't believe I have to feel like this again." I sobbed into Trevor's chest.

"I'm calling Abbey." Christina said.

"No don't, she's in hockey player heaven right now." I sniffled.

Trevor sat with me on the floor while Chris got some goodies from the store on campus.

"You know if I got nothing else from Jack at least I got you." I cried.

"Don't make me cry, P." Trevor said.

"Seriously, T. You're my best friend. As far as I'm concerned I have three brothers."

"You have a lot more than three, honey. And we've all got you."

"I have provisions." Christina returned. "Why are you crying baby?"

"Fuckin Peyton." Trever wiped under his eyes.

"Ooookay." Christina laughed. "Wanna watch a disney movie?"

"Oh hell yeah." I said.


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