Chapter 10

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I flutter my eyes open, scanning the new surroundings.

But it seems like a mission fighting between the curiosity of what I'm guessing is the hotel bedroom and the pounding headache I have.

My eyes clench shut as I push myself up slowly, one hand gripping the side of my head. Even hangovers never felt this bad.

"Drink this." A husky voice echoes through my ears as I feel the bed dip in front of me.

Barely opening my eyes I reach for the glass in front of me and gulp down the water as if I'd never drank before.

Feeling slightly more hydrated I look up, noticing the tired look plastered across Baekhyun's face. "Are you okay?" I say unsure of his state.

"Just didn't sleep much I guess." He said nodding his head.

I scan the room, noticing a few bags and the fact it was quite large.
"Is Jongdae..." I started to wonder if there were more rooms and selfishly began to wonder why it wasn't Jongdae being the caring friend.

"He's promoting, he won't be back for a few weeks!" Baekhyun said as he scanned my face.

"Oh, makes sense!" I accidentally said out loud.

"What?" His head tilted.

"Huh? Uh, nothing..." I said quickly looking down into the cup, before carrying on "so urm, we can look around right? Just so I know where everything is when you're gone." He nodded his head as a response and held out his hand to help me off the bed.

Stepping out of the bedroom, we set foot straight into the living room, a small couch sat in front of a large tv, the windows were as large here as they were in the bedroom, but of course, they were cloaked with fabric that made it impossible for people down below to look in. Not that they could anyway, as we sat on a level closer to the top, vehicles down below almost the same size as toy cars.

"Great view, huh?" Baekhyun's voice quickly snapped me out of my trance as I span to see him stood in the joint kitchen.

"We haven't bought much to fill up the kitchen yet, but I can do that tomorrow, plus take out here is great, lots of girls like it." A small smile grew across his face.

I tilted my head, as thoughts of how well he knew the area and how many girls he must have brought here, swarmed my mind. Quickly shaking my head of the thought, I smile back as he awkwardly clears his throat.

"It's fine Baekhyun, I don't need anything special so it's okay." He began to relax and turned to flick through some take out papers.

"Where did you get those?" I said as the idea of Baekhyun using this room for his one night stands, using the bed I laid on-

"Reception... JD said this one's good!" His words rang out slowly...

"J-Jongdae?" I could feel my face turning red.

"Yea, he stays here all the time when he does promotions here." He said, still looking through the papers as he fell onto the couch.

I felt like such an idiot presuming the worst. I guess the stories I'd heard before had me on guard, my situation and headache sure didn't help either.

I sat down on the couch picking a film after he ordered some pizzas, it didn't take too long after the food and film for me to pass out on the couch.

We'd spent the next few days like this. Baekhyun would go to do his schedules and come back, give me his phone to respond to all of Jongdae's messages to see if I was okay. Then we'd pick a film, order food and fall asleep on the couch. It had been a few times I'd woken up from laying on him, worried he'd wake up, I'd quietly move to the other end of the couch but most of the time I'd try to go back to my room.

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