The Truth

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This is the most Daddybatty Daddybats I think I've ever written. Very self indulgent, please enjoy.

"Whatever you're planning . . . It isn't going to work," Dick, in his Robin suit, hissed as he pulled against the metal bonds that kept his hands strapped to a table. He was seated on a chair that bound his legs as well. "Batman will come find me."

Robin didn't know where he was or who this man was. He wanted to panic, but the training engrained in him helped him to do otherwise. He surveyed his surroundings. Shabby ceiling and floor—they were probably in an abandoned building. The glint of a hidden camera caught his eye. He was being recorded or was going to be.

The villain that had captured him grinned. "That's what I'm hoping for!"

Robin furrowed his brows.

"You're probably very confused," the villain said, working on a strange contraption with many wires as he spoke. "I mean, my henchmen did knock you out, and now you've woken up in my liar without knowing my intentions, so I understand that. Allow me to explain."

The man took a part of his contraption and walked towards Robin. Robin thrashed under his restraints, but it was useless.

"My name is The Truth Master!" The villain announced. "I reveal the truths that my fans wish to know. You and Batman are so very mysterious, and it has my fans dying to know at least something about you! This right here—" he gestured to the device in his hand "—is an advanced lie detector that is ten times more accurate than the typical lie detector."

The Truth Master pulled off Robin's glove and wrapped the small invention around Robin's ring finger.

"But this isn't just a lie detector," the villain said, a dark edge to his voice. "It can also send electric currents your way that could very well be fatal. Definitely painful. Batman will come to save you, and he will be forced to hook onto one of these if he wants to see you live another day."

With that knowledge, the weight on Robin's finger began to feel much heavier. The wires that lead all the way to the main system next to Truth Master resembled a web, and Dick had gotten himself trapped like a bug. He wanted Batman to save him. He wanted Bruce.

"I will explain the rest when Batman arrives," Truth Master said. So they waited.

Ten anxiety-ridden minutes later, Batman furiously burst in through the door, Batarangs in hand.

Before Batman could strike, The Truth Master held up a controller with a red button and pointed at robin. "One click is all it takes to end him," he quickly warned. "Sit down, Batman, if you care for the boy."

Robin noticed the way Batman's nostrils flared with rage. He just hoped that it wasn't because of him. Batman took a seat on a chair across from Robin, and immediately after, metal bonds locked around his hands and legs.

Truth Master menacing demeanor dissipated at once. He clasped his hands happily. "Perfect! Thanks a ton, Batman!"

Batman nor Robin shared the enthusiasm, opting to glare at him beneath their masks instead.

"Alright, alright, I'll explain now," the villain said as he pulled off Batman's glove and attached a lie detector onto his finger. "I actually genuinely have no intention of killing either of you. That would be too much trouble."

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