Meet The Family

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It's not like Kongpob thought that being a father would be easy. In fact, he had firmly added the experience to the 'Things I will find hard, but eventually love,' box when he was younger.

So being thrust into fatherhood aged just twenty-three came as a bit of shock. Especially in the way it had happened to him.

And now, he was sharing the care of a six year old alongside someone he had once truly disliked. And, sometimes, he still wasn't certain on the details of how or why that was so...

He just knew that he loved his little girl and nothing in the world could persuade him to ever give her up.

Speaking of Milly, it's about time he rolls out of bed and starts breakfast before she wakes up.

After quickly visiting the bathroom, he hustles himself into their small open plan living space and opens the fridge. It's a Friday which means pancakes and he joyfully mixes the batter, one of his favourite songs playing in the background.

He's really gotten into the joy of cooking, even bopping around as he mixes, when there is a loud cough behind him and he whirls around, spatula in hand to find Arthit staring at him in amusement.

"Oi, Kongpob, some of us prefer to sleep as late as possible, do you have to play your dreadful music this early?"

Arthit Rojnapat - once one of Kongpob's mortal enemies, and now his sometimes friend, sometimes pain in the ass, but permanent co-parent of their little girl, strides into their kitchen and flicks a finger at Kongpob's bicep.

He growls angrily and Arthit lifts his hands and steps away, "Clearly you didn't sleep well."

Suddenly there's a bang and the third bedroom door flies open.

"Milly!" Arthit calls, a smile spreading over his cheeks as their daughter bounces into the kitchen, toothy grin on her face. He lifts her up as she reaches him and swings her round in the air. "Did your Papa's horrible music wake you up too?"

The six year old giggles as Arthit lowers her back to the floor and then she wriggles out of his arms to wrap both of hers around Kongpob's middle.

Kongpob can't prevent the smile that creeps over his face as he drops his hand to gently caress her hair, smirking at Arthit as Milly laughs, "No, silly Daddy. It was time to get up, my clock said so. And I like Papa's music!"

"Oh, of course," Arthit replies, still smiling brightly like he rarely does when it's just him and Kong. Then he drops his necktie on the kitchen counter and reaches for her hand, "Shall we brush our teeth before Papa tells us off?"

"Yes, Daddy." Then she turns her wide eyes on Kongpob, "Papa, can we have chocolate sauce today, pleeeease?"

Kongpob feels his resolve not to serve chocolate for breakfast melt, as his little girl smiles at him, her hands reaching up to squeeze Arthit's cheeks and make him smile at Kongpob too.

"See, Daddy wants some too?" She says hopefully.

"Maybe just a little bit." Komngpob agrees and is rewarded with another tight hug around his middle and a warm feeling that blooms in his chest.

As his family brushes their teeth, he expertly flips the last of the pancakes and adds a bowl of fruit to the centre of the table as well as a small bottle of chocolate syrup that is down to the last few mouthfuls.

It's not too much sugar, he tells himself, and Milly will have the fruit too, he'll make sure. Then he drops silverware beside their plates and settles in his usual chair as he waits.

After breakfast, which had included plenty of fruit, thank you, Kongpob wraps Arthit's necktie around his own neck and quickly knots it as Arthit checks Milly's school bag.

Papa and Daddy (and Milly too!)Where stories live. Discover now