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"Time to go!" Bree yells from the front door. I was getting the last of my things, ready to leave for the flight to Atlanta. Most of our thing were already packed up in the cab waiting in front of the apartment and I was just doing a last check. You can't be too careful when you're going on the run, you know.

As I was closing the door I was saying a silent goodbye to the little apartment that I have grown to like. Obviously the apartment wasn't very big. Don't get me wrong we could definitely afford a bigger one but we had to keep a low profile.

To be honest, I don't mind it. Sure it was small but it made it homie and I hadn't felt like that since my mother was around. But just like all the rest of them, we have to leave.

Because of him

"Yo Iris!" Bree yelled. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming," I held back. When I made it downstairs Bree met me there. "You ok?" She asked looking worried. "Yeah I'm fine," I told her.  "Well come on, we have to leave. We don't want to be late." I barked a sarcastic laugh. "Wow, I can't believe that's coming from you!" I teased. "Oh sure up!" She said, smiling as we reach the car.

"Hi are you Miss Samantha?" The driver asked as I slipped into the seat next to Bree. "Yup, that's me," I answered. Since we have to use our new names, at least until we reach Georgia, I'll be going as Samantha Brown and Bree will be Callie Bailey.

As we head to the airport I get chills, I'm not cold and I'm not exactly nervous, I just feel like something if about to happen. I hate when I feel this way, because I'm usually right.

As we got to the airport I checked out surroundings before getting out, just to be safe. Everything seems like it's safe but I'm not letting my hard down. Not after seeing him last night.
As I was thinking about it, last night he didn't see me, or at least he wasn't looking at me when I spotted him. I remember Bree asking me about what happened at the club last night but I never actually thought of some of the answers to her questions.

What were they again? Oh who cares we just need to get on the plane. Bree and I walk in and get our tickets and head to the gates. We keep our heads down but not in a way that would make us look suspicious in any way.

As we reach security I set my bag on the table to get checked. Of course I didn't bring any weapons with us. We aren't stupid, but I feel anxious about the security check anyways. Bree go's through the metal detector first then I do. I go through the it and nothing happens indicating that I'm free to go, but as I turned to go a man around my age stops me. He has brown hair cut short with greenish gray eyes , and a fairly handsome face. He's wearing a uniform indicating that he was on security duty at the moment and asks me to step to the side.

"Is something wrong sir?" I ask with a faked innocent smile, looking at the man questionably. "No ma'am I just thought you needed an extra pat down before you leave." He said with a sly smirk displayed on his face.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and walk away. He just wanted to feel me up, of course he did! I thought, mentally face palming myself. "Sure thing." I said walking to the side with him. Bree looked at me with a worried look. I nodded to her saying I was fine. He started from the bottom of my legs and came up slowly taking his sickeningly sweet time feeling me up.

It took a lot in me to not gag at the feeling of his hands n my body. Once he was done he said I was ok and that I could leave. I picked up my stuff and said goodbye and joined back up with Bree. "What was that?" Bree asked, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Just some dick trying to feel me up." I said rolling my eyes. She burst out laughing, catching a few odd looks from the people around us including me. She gave a few apologetic luxe to those around us and said to me "Damn, poor guy just trying to get some." "Oh shut up!" I laughed hitting her arm slightly. She faked her and stuck out her tongue and we started laughing more.

As we reached our gate we could see that we still had about 30 minutes left till boarding so we decided to take a seat next to the windows and keep an eye out from there. I was feeling tired so I asked Bree to keep an eye out for me while we waited to board.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't shake that feeling. So I decided to just close my eyes instead of actually falling asleep.

That call finally went off and people started boarding the plane. I open my eyes and sat up and Bree asked, "ready babes?" I nodded my head and stood up to stretch. "We should go ahead and get in line I said looking at the long line of people already trying to get on the plane. "Sure," she said standing up with me as I walk over to the growing crowd.

We finally bordered and started looking for our seats. It was seats of three so Bree and I realized that we would have to sit by one other person. We spotted our seats and didn't see anyone else there yet so we sat down. I had the window seat but Bree asked if we could switch because she wanted to see outside and she didn't want to be in the middle of two people. So I agreed so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

I was talking to Bree when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a flight attendant. "Hello ma'am, I just wanted to let you know that this seat is no longer taken and you do not have to worry about another person sitting here." She informed me with a smile. "Oh ok, thank you." I said. She nodded her head an walk away. Huh, I thought. Well that's oddly convenient.

After that the captain said that we were taking off shortly and to buckle up. Finally we were in the sky headed to our new home.

Hello my loves! I'm so sorry I'v been so MIA. I haven't been feeling motivation to write lately and I'm so happy to be back! Let me know how the chapter was and PLEASE VOTE!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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