❤ Sehun ❤

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You've been waiting for this day to come. Prom! Its every girls dream and happiness because you can get all prettfied! You hope to have a date but you never do to any dance so you go about your days hoping for an invite. One day while at school a handsome yet cute guy comes up to you. Odd. No cute guy really speaks to you.

Him " Hello I'm Sehun! I know this is random but will you take the honor of being my prom date?"

Omfg! You just got asked to the prom! And by the cutest guy ever.

You "yes absolutely!" (:

Sehun "what's your address I'll pick you up at 6:30, I can't wait beautiful!"

He just called you beautiful!

As the day goes by you hope it Hurry's up! Cause the prom is tomorrow night and you have to figure out what to wear.

Prom day:
When you wake up all you can do is smile. You decide for prom to wear your blue and white dress with diamond down the side. Your mother had bought you this dress for a special day and what day is more special than prom well other than wedding day. The way the dress fits your body is perfect.
You curl your hair and fix it up snug. You wear natural makeup with some diamond earrings and necklace you dad got you for your 16th birthday.

Once done you look into the mirror to someone who is ecstatic!
As you grab you purse you hear a knock at the door. You go downstairs to find Sehun at your door in a black suit.

He pulls out a blue and white rose corsage and you put a white rose on him. Luckily you guys match. He then grabs your hand and intertwines fingers with you. And walks you to the car. He drives you to the prom. When you and him enter all eyes go on you.

Sehun "you made us get all the attention why are you so beautiful"

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