Life is a lie

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Heyy this is my first book sooo i hope you like it please tell me if you do so i know if you want more or not. Sorry for any mistakes spelling or grammer.

Ellie xx

Katy's P.O.V.

I've never felt like I belonged. Never. Little did I know my whole life was a lie. This is my story.

Sighing, i looked out my window at the ever so beautiful view. Note the sarcasm. All you could see from my second story window was house after house after house, I've always preferred the country or at the very least the sub-urbs. But no my parents don't lime the countryside so I have to live in my living nightmare also known as London. What I hate most about the city is the fact that you barely know anyone I suppose it would be quite nice the city if you had a massive garden but if you hadn't guessed already,are garden is tiny, minuscule, practically non existent It sucked.

I live with my ever so lovely sister, my charming mother and my father who never speaks go me if it can be helped. In my tiny urban house there is those three and me, Katy Jackson ,15, nice to meet you. If there is one thing you should know about me is that I am incredibly sarcastic ..... and I am a total geek, one hundred percent geek, through and through. Of course my so called family don't think that is normal especially my sister. I used to go to my local high school, Jones High. I hate it. I hate it and everyone who has ever had the honour of attending. I hate them, they hate me. Its as simple as that. However, my family have FINALLY let me go to boarding school up in the lake district, although I think they are only sending me to be rid of me. Charming, right? I leave tomorrow, 1st of September, on a train of all things, I know sounds like Harry Potter, right? Wrong i SSSSOOOO wish i was a witch I mean imagine being able to light a fire with the flick of your very elegant wand. sorry, of topic. So here I am packing away all of my life into a tiny black suitcase, wish it was a trunk*sigh* , oh well.

Next Day

I was sat on my suitcase staring at the empty train tracks in front of me. My parents had left at the first opportunity, charming remember? Shaking with nerves I watched as the long, slick, black train pulled up in front of me. I looked around me only know realizing how many other people had crowded the station all wearing the same black-and-white uniform as me. Some of them were obviously returned while others were shaking like me who were quite clearly new students.

I scurried through all the people and onto the train. I looked around and found myself a nice spacious compartment and relaxed. A few minutes later a girl with long, shiny blonde hair opened the door.

" Excuse me?" She mumbled timidly, "Do you mind if i sit here? I can't find anywhere else to sit." I nodded a yes and smiled. She looked relieved. Sticking out her hand she said, "Ariana Lucas. Are you knew too?"

"Yeh." I managed to squeak, "Katy Jackson, sorry I'm not normally this quite just nervous." Suddenly remembering her hand still hovering in the air, I shook it.

"Oh, thank god." Ariana breathed, " I thought I was the only one. I've been told i talk a lot when I'm nervous...."She babbled on, and yes she does talk a lot when shes nervous

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