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Katy's P.O.V.

At her new school.

One painful train journey later and here i am stood infront of a massive castle like building. It remainded me so much of hogwarts. Ariana was still babbleing in my ear all the way up the long, long, painfully long drive. Actually, looking back it's probably about 20 ft give or take. We were all rushed into a massive dining area it was beautiful one side was draped in gorgeous bluey greeny sea style coulors while the other side was all reds oranges and yellows. i was pretty sure the scholl was split up into to halves.

And sure enough one of the teachers called all the new students up to the front to assign them a house. Unfortunatly, we didnt get assigned by a talking/singing hat *sigh*. Thank god, Ariana was in my house, the bluey greeny house which i later found out was called posiedon,(sorry dont know the spelling)  along with a bunch of other students whos names i didnt care to learn.

I sat down at one of my houses tables with Ariana, nowone wanted to sit with us so there was just us. Suddenly, there was a big bang coming from the entrance. Three figures emurged covered in soot.The head stood up and shut everyone up when the volume raised as whispers broke out through the newbies. Some of the older ones looked board so i fugured that this was a regular acurancce.

"Thank you, Mr, Miss and Mr Maddon for really starting this year with a bang!" He chuckled, which eventually turned into a laugh and soon the whole hall was laughing." Alright everyone calm down, Maddons go clean yourselves of i will have dinner sent up to your dorms, alright?" All three nodded and walked of.

The Next day 

Lucie Maddon's P.O.V. (girl with explosion)

We walked back in silence until my eldest doof of a brother,Luke, said, "Hey, did you guys see that girl sat practicly on her own, only one other person was sat next to her on those massive tables, two people!" I had no idea what he was talking about but obviously my twin, Lucca, did."yeh she looked so much like us." he commented, "Did you see her, Lucie?"

"No." was my reply." Call mum maybe it is Lucia i sure hope it is but , who knows?" Lucca made to answer but i cut him of by shouting, "RHETORICAL QUESTION LUCCA!" Luke chuckled at this. it was just than that i realized we were outside our common room. I went through the door and of to the left, while Lucca and Luke went of to the right. I know what your thinking, our parents liked 'L's and waned to make all our names similar so people would remember us, they do , but not because of our names. We were the biggest and best trouble makers in the whole school. The Maddon siblings. Kinda like a gang. 

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