people that he does not trust to take care of you </3

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-personas que Tommy no confía para cuidarte-

Joan / Gary / Nick / Kurt

?? : "porque no confío en ellos? Porque Joan se droga y podria volverse loca, Gary porque te estaría coqueteando todo el rato, Kurt porque si te digo la verdad es un capullo y Nick podria pero igual estaría preocupado" -dijo el-

-personas que tu no confías para que cuiden de Tommy-

Los mismos

?? : "-te reiste- Tommy se cuidar de mi misma pero tu?? Tu aún me necesitas así que yo misma cuidare de ti -dijiste con una grande sonrisa-

?? : "-te reiste- Tommy se cuidar de mi misma pero tu?? Tu aún me necesitas así que yo misma cuidare de ti -dijiste con una grande sonrisa-

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people Tommy doesn't trust to take care of you.

Joan / Gary / Nick / Kurt

?? : "Why don't I trust them? Because Joan takes drugs and could go crazy, Gary because he would be flirting with you all the time, Kurt because if I tell you the truth he is an idiot and Nick could but he would still be worried" -he said. -

-people you don't trust to take care of Tommy-

The same

?? : "-you laughed- Tommy I know how to take care of me but you? You still need me so I will take care of you myself -you said with a big smile-

?? : "-you laughed- Tommy I know how to take care of me but you? You still need me so I will take care of you myself -you said with a big smile-

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